
Discussions about Servers
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Post by mikez »

Hi all. i opend a ut99 server for me and my friend. its working and we can play. now im having some problems activating mutators. i added mapvote to my system file and added the line under game engine but i need to activate it as a mutator. i also want to be able to play instagib. how do i activate a mutator on my server? i cant find anything on the internet and i cant find it in the unrealtournament.ini tnx in advance.
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Re: Help

Post by sektor2111 »

mikez wrote:i cant find anything on the internet
Learn to use g00gle first. Look what I've found:
Link has been returned after searching for <ut'99 server explained> words, unless you have a restricted/censored Internet which won't help you.
The rest of information toward loading mutators in mapvote (which one ?) should be described in their docs + exist an ActorCLP server actor used for setting up a server-start and it is configurable in server's ini file accordingly - I'm not gonna repeat information posted.

Else - at UT-Files.Com in Downloads there is a server (even more servers) ready configured (baiterV3 or such is one of them) having stuff added/set. Usually it needs only to get a click on "RunServer.bat" file. There you can figure settings by inspecting INI files.
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Re: Help

Post by mikez »

i used google i have spend this day over 6 hours on it. and yes i had found that website. but that website isent much help. i have a PAY server. so if i want to make a change to my server i have to login trough FTP. must i add something in my unrealtournament.ini to make the server instagib only? must i add something to it to activate the votemap? go and check google. you wont find much
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Re: Help

Post by sektor2111 »

Lemme guess, payed services uses MapVoteLA13 loaded in run-line ( or Not ? )...
MapVoteLA.ini file if I well recall name has the mission related to game-types. It also depends on which column you want InstaGib. If you still cannot find a document for LA13 then see spoiler bellow - examples/explanations:

Code: Select all

FAQ: What settings do I need in MapVoteLA.ini?

1) Step 1: Loading Maps

   For default gametypes there are predefined keys to enable the maps:
   To load cusom gametypes, mutators and settomgs you can use up to 16 'CustomGameConfig's. 
   Here some examples to load iDM, iCTF, iAS, RocketArena and Bunnytrack:
   * Mind: to distinct Maps with same name but different gametype/mutators/settings you have to change the prefix.
   	 E.g.: to load Deathmatch and Insta-Deathmatch just change the prefix of the Insta-Deathmach to 'iAS'
   * Custom Settings:
     You can use several custom settings by seperating them with a comma. E.g.: "FriendlyFireScale=1.0,Aircontrol=0.8"	 
     IMPORTANT: If you use custom settings in the CustomGameConfigs you have to make sure those settings get reset to Default for all other maps:
     E.g.: DefaultSettings="FriendlyFireScale=0.0,AirControl=0.35"

3) Step 2: Assign the maps to a maplist

   Tell the mapvote in which list the maps should be displayed. Use the (up to 48 per list) 'List1FilterX[Y]' variables for this.
   You can use wildcards in the Filters. Some Examples:
   Loading all Assault maps into List 1:
   Loading AS-Asthenosphere, AS-Bridge and AS-Rook into list 3:
   Loading all iDM maps into List 4:
   Hint: If you have changed some prefixes you can/have to use the new prefixes in the Filters (like iDM for Insta)
   Hint: You can use Wildcards. E.g.: DM-A* or *castle*

Q: How do I add a clanlogo into mapvote (displayed in the middle of the Votewindow)?
A: LogoTexture=ClanLogoPackage.TextureName
   Make sure the Clanlogo is added to the Serverpackages aswell
Q: Can I use wildcards in the filter?
A: Yes you can. E.g.: List1Filter[0]=AS-B* will filter all AS maps that start with the letter 'B'

Q: What are all the other parameters for?
A: Try to find out yourself :P or just ask in the support forums:

Version History:

* Enhanced: You can now apply Custom Settings to the Maplists/Gametypes. Switching e.g. FriendlyFireScale or Aircontrol is now possible
* Enhanced: No 256 maps limit per MapList any more. All 1024 maps can be put into one list if desired
* Enhanced: Filter Arrays increased from 32 to 48 per List
* Enhanced: Mutator configuration now merged into Gametype configuration. Custom Gametypes are now easier to configure in only one line
* Enhanced: Custom Gametypes can now be enabled/disabled via admin window
* Enhanced: The mapvote window doesn't open/interrupt the user any more if he is typing. It will open after you finished your typing
* Enhanced: Message Timout Slider is back
* Enhanced: If MapListIfNooneVoted is set to 0 the map will be chosen random out of all lists
* Enhanced: Improved maploading/filter algorithm. Maps that get filtered off do not count for the maplimit any more. So all 1024 map slots can be used for visible maps.
* Enhanced: New Parameter: 'bReloadMapsOnRequestOnly': If you have many maps or large filters the loading time will increase and the servertravel will take longer and longer. If you set bReloadMapsOnRequestOnly the maplist will get buffered into an ini. This will cut down the loading time to almost zero. The maplist only gets updated if you login to the admin page and click 'Reload maps' (recomended!)
* Enhanced: Added an ExcludeFilter[16] to remove special maps. This Filter can be enabled/disabled via admin menu
* Fixed: The Map-Screenshot preview now works on all custom prefixes
* Fixed: The 'who kicks who' feature now displays the correct playernames
* Fixed: Crashed maps list was ignored when filling maplist 1
* Fixed: An error that could cause a servercrash
* Fixed: MutatorActorConfig only executed the first matching line if found
* Fixed: Window autoopen didn't work when bKickVote was false
* Fixed: If noone voted sometimes the server got stuck (if repeatlimit was > 0)
* Fixed: No more accessed nones if the maplist overflows (>1024). It now logs detailed Errorlogs/Info
* Fixed: The 'RemoveCrashedMaps' feature didn't work for maps that were loaded from a custom game config
* Fixed: MultiCTF and Bunnytrack (CTFv5) should now work properly

* New configuration system: Up to 16 CustomGameConfigs and up to 16 MutatorActorConfigs
* Removed the old custom configuration vars (bOther, bOtherClass, PrefixSwap,....)
* BugFixes

* Configurable dynamic Mutators for Maptypes/Gametypes
* Configurable dynamic Serveractors for Maptypes/Gametypes
* Spectators/Admins can get a votemenu too (but not vote)
* Remove bExactFilter parameter. You can now use wildcards in the filter (*)
* Ability to disable kickvotes but still see the playerlist
* Show who kicks who (optional)
* Filling of maps is now more smooth
* Removed a bug where the last map loaded was not show in the List
* Showing who voted failed on ppl that opened their mapvote after others have voted: fixed
* Return to a predefined maplist if noone voted
* Ability to disable repeatlimit of certain Lists
* Bigger say button
* Better tracking of players leaving during vote: removing from list and tally votes
* Support more custom gametypes
* Optimized Network Replication (no more lag spikes if someone opens the votemenu midgame)

(c)2003/2004/2005 Cratos (
If you need extra-Info let me know.
Else as you can see I have never loved these "LINKS" which in a few years drives nowhere - Web-Pages are stopped, an nobody helps, but... if you download a zip archive with LA13 there is a folder named Help containing some explanations. The rest of things worth a read around BDBMapVote304 - there are samples in starting a server or simply use a server ready not for game-play but for figuring setup. ...
Rented servers uses INI files as well, ActorCLP or whatever, it's not a Rocket Science if you are practicing HOME servers first in learning purpose.
Last edited by sektor2111 on Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help

Post by Chamberly »

mikez wrote:i added mapvote to my system file and added the line under game engine but i need to activate it as a mutator.
First make sure the server is off before you do anything here.

Edit: Ah, Sektor2111 got his post right. I wasn't paying attention here. Feel free to skip this part.
Look in the mutator's .int file and copy the Mutator.Name and insert it into the Mapvote's .ini file in Mutator. Example:

Object=(Name=NoTelefrag.NoTelefrag,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="No Telefrag,Makes telefragging impossible. Anyone who still tries it will be punished.")

mikez wrote:i also want to be able to play instagib. how do i activate a mutator on my server?
Instagib also have a mutator. Take a look at this, as it is the default game's instagib.
Now the thing is, there are many ways to set up the server. But it look like you want to set it up in the mapvote, so I gave you the format of the mapvote example. Some mutator files do come with instructions, if not, simply google the mutator's name ( as you probably more likely to get different result) and maybe you will find some. They can be anywhere. Forum, file hosting sites, in non-public area, etc.

And, welcome.
Last edited by Chamberly on Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help

Post by sektor2111 »

BaiterServerV3 has Run-Line ready with MapVoteLA13. How much does it costing to take a look there ?

Code: Select all

ucc server DM-Deck16][?Mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote ini=UnrealTournament.INI log=ucc.log
And yes there are several ways to start a server but are based on the same 2 important things:
- INI File;
- Run-Line.
Priority goes to Run-Line if there are defined parameters else server reads UnrealTournament.ini (or Server.ini).
In INI you might have a default game-type, mutators, map which needs loaded for start. XC server which I shared as a sample is based on Run-Line and... MapVote, but the same way is doable with rented servers if you are allowed to change run-line else job goes to ActorCLP and you can quit using those services which keeps you limited in options, because you need to configure server as you think is good.