I just got started on a skinpack that adds more team colors

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I just got started on a skinpack that adds more team colors

Post by Skerion »

Obviously, this isn't going to allow 4 extra actual teams, but since I'm kind of a fan of customization, I thought it would be nice to be able to choose from more colors for your player model.

Here's what I got so far:

http://i.imgur.com/XsAvm8F.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DuXleTk.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/zXxSI5f.jpg http://i.imgur.com/78wIo8A.jpg

Also, I'm not totally satisfied with this current setup since it seems like it'd be easy to get confused by the red team skin with purple being a combination of red and blue, and quite frankly, the black team skin is kinda ugly looking.

I was thinking about going with this setup instead:

None = Purple
Red = Orange
Blue = Cyan
Green = Teal-Green
Gold = Lime/White (Not really sure which one to go with)

What do you guys think I should do with this?
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Re: I just got started on a skinpack that adds more team col

Post by EvilGrins »

Skerion wrote:What do you guys think I should do with this?
Keep it as is. I had a similar thing when I made the male & female Hello Kitty Corps...

...a little variety keeps people on their toes.
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Re: I just got started on a skinpack that adds more team col

Post by papercoffee »

Those two are the best because purple and orange are not too close to the default team-colours.
Skerion wrote: Image
Anyhow, you should go with orange to a more saturated level to avoid that it gets close to the gold team skin. Or change it to a vibrant yellow.

Cyan blue and this teal green are confusable for the default one.
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Re: I just got started on a skinpack that adds more team col

Post by Skerion »

papercoffee wrote:Anyhow, you should go with orange to a more saturated level to avoid that it gets close to the gold team skin. Or change it to a vibrant yellow.
I kinda prefer there to be an orange skin, so I'll probably just take your first advice and make it a more saturated orange and make it for red team.
papercoffee wrote:Cyan blue and this teal green are confusable for the default one.
If I either make cyan slightly bluer or teal-green more like dark pastel green, would that suffice?
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Re: I just got started on a skinpack that adds more team col

Post by Skerion »

Here are some new colors schemes.



I might actually go with the first one. The one problem I had with the black none skin was that it was too dark, but I just needed to make it a lighter, and that made it look a bit better. It still looks a bit awkward on characters that have non-grey colors on their outfits, so idk.
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Re: I just got started on a skinpack that adds more team col

Post by EvilGrins »

I did similar with an SKtrooper skin once

Call him "Pastel Fiend".

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