List of server "must install" components?

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List of server "must install" components?

Post by Alby87 »

Hi Guys!

Long time I don't play UT, but during some discussions with friends we need to decided to replay this game :agree1:

I need a small help to create a dedicated server installation for Windows: what are these days the "must install" server packages for a normal UT server? I remember ServerCrashFix was one of those. I've seen this link for clients ( ... w-hardware) and got some ideas wandering in Internet.

Tell me if I'm missing someting:

XC Core/Engine/Net (Are Tickfix and ADVfix included in this?)
UsAaR33's Bonus Pack 1 fix
Paradox's UT Enhancements UT Bonus Pack 4 fix and Advanced Model Support

Super Web Admin (are there newer/better admin tools?)
333MasterServer fixes in ini

Missing something or getting wrong something?

Thank you :agree1:
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by sektor2111 »

- XC Stuff do includes Unrealiable buffer exploit deal, timer-fix by using new server commandlet, several default engine flaws, fixing with a better version of PlayerCanSeeMe which has 2 major problems - unwrapped Player detection and stupid false result "back eye" crap, Collision problems are different set, automated file send from server at a higher speed than common game-play speed for downloading missing files, etc without to forget stuff from 451 way improved operational in default v436;
- Do not forget Core.INT manual patch;
- BonusPacks except 2nd;
- File Credits.utx against mismatching;
- Removing those place-holder files having around 2 Kb with normal UT files if you have such default setup;
- WebAdmin - not sure if this do helps and not only mooing trash in console when Bots are in game - why should I have this if server is set properly and it do works just fine ? I'm not changing server daily I just have 4 servers using the same resource files and I start the one desired in that moment without switching games all time - I think is useless and a gate for web exploits;
- MapVoteUL2.0 doesn't include a crash fix when are loaded more than 1500 - 1700 maps and neither monster Skaarj random issues (in case of monster gaming);
- saving logs batch setup for future watching and debugging sudden problems which might occur;
- A bit of advertisement ?

Did I forgot something ?
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by JackGriffin »

sektor2111 wrote: Did I forgot something ?
Players. There's not many of those around :P
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by Alby87 »

sektor2111 wrote:Notes:
- XC Stuff do includes Unrealiable buffer exploit deal, timer-fix by using new server commandlet, several default engine flaws, fixing with a better version of PlayerCanSeeMe which has 2 major problems - unwrapped Player detection and stupid false result "back eye" crap, Collision problems are different set, automated file send from server at a higher speed than common game-play speed for downloading missing files, etc without to forget stuff from 451 way improved operational in default v436;
So, do you suggest:
451b + Update
ServerCrashFix v11

Am I missing something?
sektor2111 wrote: - Do not forget Core.INT manual patch;
Didn't know about this! Thank you :)
sektor2111 wrote: - BonusPacks except 2nd;
I know: beware the wrong de.u. Thank you :)
sektor2111 wrote: - File Credits.utx against mismatching;
You just don't use the dedicated server's utx file? I need to use the one in that thread in Unrealadmin?
sektor2111 wrote: - Removing those place-holder files having around 2 Kb with normal UT files if you have such default setup;
What files? You lost me here :(
sektor2111 wrote: - WebAdmin - not sure if this do helps and not only mooing trash in console when Bots are in game - why should I have this if server is set properly and it do works just fine ? I'm not changing server daily I just have 4 servers using the same resource files and I start the one desired in that moment without switching games all time - I think is useless and a gate for web exploits;
Maybe I will start it when using :)
sektor2111 wrote: - MapVoteUL2.0 doesn't include a crash fix when are loaded more than 1500 - 1700 maps and neither monster Skaarj random issues (in case of monster gaming);
So better use classic MapvoleLA13?
sektor2111 wrote: - saving logs batch setup for future watching and debugging sudden problems which might occur;
- A bit of advertisement ?
Thanks for this ideas :)

And don't worry JackGriffin, I think to know enough players :tongue:
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by Barbie »

Alby87 wrote:
sektor2111 wrote: - File Credits.utx against mismatching;
You just don't use the dedicated server's utx file? I need to use the one in that thread in Unrealadmin?
I just had a player that could not connect because of file mismatches with CREDITS.UTX. I replaced server's CREDITS.UTX with this one (SHA1: 80F610FF298BD9ABE967D5FDF1A363B5CB593387) and then he was able to join.
Alby87 wrote:
sektor2111 wrote:- Removing those place-holder files having around 2 Kb with normal UT files if you have such default setup;
What files? You lost me here :(
See thread function GetSoundDuration -> SIGSEGV.
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by sektor2111 »

Little light.
Some default server version 436 provided by Epic for saving HDD space, has around 90+ MB, another rebuild (by community) has 230+ because first one has tiny HACKED "stock" files - smaller than common files provided with game, which is a dumb thing taking in account engine's "featured" codes it will crash apparently without valid reasons. As I know so far, Player using S3TC textures in a server with such place holders utx files will see glitching/skating effects in game - in hoping to not wrong. A server should have mainly the same files as CD1 GOTY and that tweaked Credits.utx - for preventing version mismatch errors.

In other note.
I'm using 436 440 versions + XCGE and those specific adds. For me version 451 is not like something so brilliant discarding idea about "a last" software as being the best - because is not. Without XCGE 451 seems to crash more often at PlayerCanSeeMe than any predecessors 440 436. It's up on you if you think 451b (last one) do helps more. ServerCrashFix if I well recall doc it's addressing last exploits added in the "new" 451 series - yeah, they "fixed" engine.

Higor, the coder of XC stuff might explain more things which he was not loving at 451.

For MapVote chapter I don't want to suggest something special - just try to see which one is suitable for your needs.

Probably UL23 needs a conformed update according to some server travel which sometimes might have a strange behavior - probably it depends on server-machine speed, It is way heavy to handle lists having thousands of files. From experience I was trying to change AKALog6K into a version saving player-data more often than only post Game Ended. All I did was to trigger lags on a slow machine, simply dealing with INI files containing thousands of entries is too expensive or it needs a Really strong server. That's why I cannot say anything here because I don't know what hardware support you will have for server intended to host your parties.
Me personally I'm using a LA13 type morphed into a sort of LA14 using clocking and some smoothing system at loading maps in purpose to prevent that RED FLAG (lag) when maps are being reloaded/updated. They are loaded in a "background" process and player during this time can play normally with no lags, and this one is not crashing new comers with no files at decompression process like LA13 does.
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by Alby87 »

Ah, this is ok... at first I understood you were against XC... my bad, I've better read your reply :oops: thank you a lot! :tu:
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by rjmno1 »

451b + Update
The 451 version is only for servers.
Use this turtual for more advanced edit and playing ut 99.

opengl advanced visual tweak. :tu:
Patch and install download or complete comes with your goty edition of unreal install your second cd and mark s3tc texture pack and later patch your files given in this turturial.
Or download and install the highend textures pack.
unreal tournament 99
ImageImage ... oject/home mine home ut99 website. ... ef-in.html dutch blog page about ut99 settings.
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by Aldebaran »

sektor2111 wrote:Removing those place-holder files having around 2 Kb with normal UT files if you have such default setup
Can there be other reasons why they used these small replacement files? Perhaps the server uses less RAM then or there is more cpu power left for other things? Aren't there benefits when using them except save some harddisk space?
Is really no one here using the small replacement files on the server?
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by sektor2111 »

Extro or Intro as you like:
Sometimes I forget things easy but sometimes are things which I won't forget because They were BAD and due to survival instincts I prefer to know the Evil in order to dodge away from it.
One of UT related Evil Things which I won't forget:
Heading to some map which I was playing more times because of "special" things or whatever, called MH-Rook, one of those portations to MH. While that "XAN" Boss was yelling wounded, I saw server crashing multiple times because of bullshit files aka Place-holders for saving whatever resources. Server was trying to render a sound (see my other posts with server doing Player things which doesn't belongs to server), and that sound being a null thing the only way was heading to a crash.
From other posts/forums I see that textures might have problems with Players using S3TC textures - Here, I simply made myself sure about having FULL textures (non S3TC) loaded in server - No problems then.
About music I think Place-Holders (small files) don't seem that harmful as long as music mainly seems triggered using "ClientSetMusic" which is taking place in Player side. Currently stock music Place-Holders did not made me mad. Else Custom music Non Stock should be operated properly in player so files sent directly by server should be complete music files else player will receive NULL things.

To summarize: Sound files and texture files should be those matching player, like Non Stock Music files.
And YES in the past HOSTING was expensive speaking about SPACE used and I think is still an issue else why G00gle drive is giving for free a limited space and not UNLIMITED like ? Because hosting space is LIMITED.

As for the rest of supposed good options, small files are always loaded faster than big files - but this will not really help an UT server because UEngine sucks - that's the truth and the reason for XCGE.
For myself (I did not check this entirely), in my stupid logic "bUseSound=False" configured in a server should help if engine's internals might work properly, in order to prevent server for rendering Player stuff and using resources useless, it makes no sense for a server to try playing sounds because I don't see the logic. But probably Engine's DevSound does still try rendering the sound without sending it to audible modules or heck knows what it does because I'm not gonna waste time for toying with files. I have server/s configured and operational and I'm not gonna do any setup as I did years ago...
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by Chamberly »

sektor2111 wrote:For myself (I did not check this entirely), in my stupid logic "bUseSound=False" configured in a server should help if engine's internals might work properly, in order to prevent server for rendering Player stuff and using resources useless, it makes no sense for a server to try playing sounds because I don't see the logic. But probably Engine's DevSound does still try rendering the sound without sending it to audible modules or heck knows what it does because I'm not gonna waste time for toying with files. I have server/s configured and operational and I'm not gonna do any setup as I did years ago...
Speaking of turning off non-need configuration for the server, I've often thought it's a good idea to turn it off but it seems to be already off since they are probably not in use???

Except... the question for turning it off, would it disable the server-side demo recording sounds? I've not been able to get a server-side demo set up so I've not tested this.
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by Aldebaran »

sektor2111 wrote:Server was trying to render a sound [...] and that sound being a null thing the only way was heading to a crash
But then this one file is corrupt. In general the server should have no problems when rendering sound files that have some seconds of silent sound in? I don't have analized what is stored in that dummy sound/music files but that's the way I would create them.
sektor2111 wrote:For myself [...] in my stupid logic "bUseSound=False" configured in a server should help if engine's internals might work properly, in order to prevent server for rendering Player stuff and using resources useless
I would think that too. Curious I have set this option to True I saw today, now changed this to False.
sektor2111 wrote:I see that textures might have problems with Players using S3TC textures
I think I can agree here, I have changed the small replacement textures to the normal ones from the GOTY edition too for some reasons I think they had to do with that S3TC textures...

I use the small replacement files for music/sounds long time now without many server crashes (even MH-Rook works fine here). More often client crashes happens but these files can't be the reason for that in my opinion because they work only server-side.
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Re: List of server "must install" components?

Post by sektor2111 »

A Client crash might be coming from different reasons but... I know one which for sure drives first in a client stuck and then... bang.
Some "super duper" maps have textures done with whatever application or some new engine or Ugold277 or U227 series or I don't know origins. For sure some of them have a lousy useless byte property related to "material", even if everything is on a damn screen and 2 stupid speakers we speak about some farts "materials" which nobody can touch in reality. The fact is that player using a flashlight or a weapon with some "muzzle-flash" making light on such a surface that can be seen by player, makes everything to go down-hill as long as Client's UT doesn't know what's going on over such unknown surface and will crash shortly. If you have such maps and you want to keep player safe, just remove them because these are non-senses, added after 2010 if I'm not mistaking.
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