Extra Team Colors v1

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Extra Team Colors v1

Post by Skerion »


http://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tourn ... eam-colors

From the description:
The Extra Team Colors pack basically includes an alternative skin with different colors for each and every default commando and soldier skin. The alternative colors are black, purple, cyan, teal, and orange (Although, there are some skins that already black/cyan colors such as the Necris, Aphex and female War Machine, so they'll have white and blue colors instead).

This does not actually add more teams, so I wouldn't recommend using it for Team Deathmatch or Capture the Flag unless you don't mind having a guy wearing purple on your red team. This was made mostly for non-team-based matches for those who want to have more color options.

To install this, just put the files in the zip in their respective folders, which can be found immediately inside the Unreal Tournament folder. Int files go inside the System folder, and UTX files go inside the Textures folder.

Credit goes to Shane Caudle and the other artists at Epic Games that worked on UT99 for the original textures. I extracted said textures from the game with UnrealEd and edited them with Photoshop and GIMP.
Later on, I may make a v2 of this that includes alternative colors for the characters in the bonus packs. I may change the colors up a bit too if enough people are bothered by my selection of colors.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by papercoffee »

Oh, that's very cool.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by Skerion »

So I don't know if those of you who downloaded this noticed, but I was looking at the skins and I noticed that some of them have a couple of bad artifacts from how they were indexed.

I heard that there was a program called Bright that does a better job at that sort of thing than most image editing softwares, but I'm not too familiar with how to use it. If you guys have any tips on how to use it, that'd be nice to know.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by papercoffee »

Skerion wrote:So I don't know if those of you who downloaded this noticed, but I was looking at the skins and I noticed that some of them have a couple of bad artifacts from how they were indexed.

I heard that there was a program called Bright that does a better job at that sort of thing than most image editing softwares, but I'm not too familiar with how to use it. If you guys have any tips on how to use it, that'd be nice to know.
Irfan View doing also a very good job. What file format do you use PCX or BMP? BMP is somehow much better suited for this task even so UEd can only export PCX files but can easily import BMP.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by nogardilaref »

Well, first of all, here's Bright itself:
Inside there's just a single Bright.exe file to use.
And since giving .exe files away is always suspicious, here:
https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/1e84 ... 502060508/

As for how to use it, I am not sure how familiar you are in working with console/command line, but this is a purely command line application.
Therefore, to use it, you just place the .exe file somewhere, and there you open a command line and you can start by typing:
Bright /?
which shows how to use it and all the possible options.

Normally, you just want to:
Bright somefile.bmp
Bright C:\complete\path\to\somefile.bmp
and it will generate a .pcx file on the same directory as the original file.

But like I have shown in the other topic, when you want to have masked textures and the like, more options are needed, such as -pinkmask to use pink (RGB(255,0,255)) as the mask color.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by Skerion »

Yeah, I tried double clicking on the exe, but then it closes almost immedietely.

Dragging the exe into a blank command prompt helps with that, but then I'd have to worry about using directories for images and etc, and I feel like it kinda gets complicated because of that as someone who isn't super familiar with command prompts.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by papercoffee »

Skerion wrote:I feel like it kinda gets complicated because of that as someone who isn't super familiar with command prompts.
papercoffee wrote:Irfan View

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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by Skerion »

papercoffee wrote:
Skerion wrote:I feel like it kinda gets complicated because of that as someone who isn't super familiar with command prompts.
papercoffee wrote:Irfan View

Sorry, I was initially reluctant in downloading it from there since something about it seemed iffy. It was probably just because CNet was one of the links.

Although, I eventually did download it from softpedia, which I heard was a reliable site. It's nice that you can navigate through files with the middle mouse button. It makes converting these images easier.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by Dr.Flay »

If you look at the bottom of the "other download sites" list, you will see you can get it directly from the homepage.

I have read somewhere in the past that BMP will keep the palette indexes the same, but saving as PCX will create a new index so colours may move.

If you are doing nothing more than converting files so they import to UEd, remember that they must be 8bit 256 colour, not 24bit (unless you are importing as a DXT compressed file).
If you are starting with 8bit images then you could also use the Irfanview Shell extension, available in the plugins section of the site.

Also a common mistake most people do is not setting the texture LOD setting to be Skin. The default LOD setting is for world textures.
Right-click on each texture and open the "Properties" then open "Quality" and set the correct option.
LODSET_None (for HUD, portrait and screenshot textures)
LODSET_World (for scenery and buildings)
LODSET_Skin (for pawns, weapons and vehicles)
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by Skerion »

Dr.Flay wrote:If you look at the bottom of the "other download sites" list, you will see you can get it directly from the homepage.

I have read somewhere in the past that BMP will keep the palette indexes the same, but saving as PCX will create a new index so colours may move.

If you are doing nothing more than converting files so they import to UEd, remember that they must be 8bit 256 colour, not 24bit (unless you are importing as a DXT compressed file).
If you are starting with 8bit images then you could also use the Irfanview Shell extension, available in the plugins section of the site.

Also a common mistake most people do is not setting the texture LOD setting to be Skin. The default LOD setting is for world textures.
Right-click on each texture and open the "Properties" then open "Quality" and set the correct option.
LODSET_None (for HUD, portrait and screenshot textures)
LODSET_World (for scenery and buildings)
LODSET_Skin (for pawns, weapons and vehicles)
Thanks for the heads up on that.

Also, do you know if there's a way to set the LOD setting for multiple textures at the same time?
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by asiej »

hello everyone :) I downloaded these skins and while playing single player they work perfectly. However each time I enter a multiplayer game they don't. For example I choose Mercenary+ skin light green colour, bu once I enter the server it switches to e.g. normal commando colour red. :ironic: People on this server use various skins. Is it possible that this skinpack is not compatible with it? If so, how do I check which packs are okay with a given server so I can play with a different character?
Asiątko :3
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by papercoffee »

asiej wrote:hello everyone :) I downloaded these skins and while playing single player they work perfectly. However each time I enter a multiplayer game they don't. For example I choose Mercenary+ skin light green colour, bu once I enter the server it switches to e.g. normal commando colour red. :ironic: People on this server use various skins. Is it possible that this skinpack is not compatible with it? If so, how do I check which packs are okay with a given server so I can play with a different character?
If the server doesn't have this exact skin-pack you'll get switched back to default skins in online plays.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by EvilGrins »

Used a variation of the skin colors above (purely by coincidence) on my Hello Kitty Corps skins a few years ago.

Tricky thing about alt-team colors is you've gotta be consistent, although it could be fun to run a gambit of weird T/C for a skin using colors not even remotely close to understandable switches.

Red - Plaid
Blue - Black
Green - Teal
Yellow - Brown

Or somesuch.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by Skerion »

I posted the second version of the skinpack, but there was something involving it that I didn't thinking about asking sooner.

Custom team skins on the Nali and Nali Warcow don't work unless you have UsAaR33's Nali/Cow fix. I was wondering if I should include that with the skinpack in case someone ends up not being able to find it anywhere on the internet. Someone on a discord group suggested just linking to the file, but I'm wondering what you guys think.

Also, should I include the first Bonus Pack, as well? I'm not sure how many people are going to need it since most people probably have the GOTY version of the game, but I don't know.
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Re: Extra Team Colors v1

Post by papercoffee »

Skerion wrote: Also, should I include the first Bonus Pack, as well? I'm not sure how many people are going to need it since most people probably have the GOTY version of the game, but I don't know.
Just mention it in your readme file.