This forum sucks

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This forum sucks

Post by TammT »

Yes, that's what I experienced here. Impossible to talk normally about some very present problems. Smartheads jump in with utter idiotic comments, having time to make some video clips, while don't see rock from mountain. And when someone points on mistakes, moderator just lock thread. Support your friends, and f* the facts, logic, truth.
So, you can ban me now - this forum is useless crap. Just overall same idiot behavior as in online UT99.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by EvilGrins »

From what I understand of the situation, mods locked threads (after several merges) because you started multiple threads on the same topic rather than keeping it to 1 thread.

From the looks of it · search.php?author_id=7082&sr=posts · many members tried to help you out but you either ignored them or mocked them.

So (to not start another paragraph with "From") you sort of brought it on yourself... not to mention this thread is probably not gonna win you any points either.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by aZ.Boy »


I've been a member in this forum for a while i enjoy it and i see it quite helpful for the community for a long time, what sucks is your toxic behavior and attitude toward people who are trying to help you i could see that in your first thread and in your responses, good luck with considering your own opinion as "facts" and "logic"
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by OjitroC »

TammT wrote:... Impossible to talk normally about some very present problems.
You have already stated the most obvious solutions to these problems - either don't play on servers you don't like or play on them and accept them as they are. There is really not much else to say except to reiterate another point already made - start your own server where you can control what goes on.

The game, if not dead, is certainly moribund - around 600 servers with seldom more than 350 'players' at any one time, and usually a lot less than this, hardly suggests a growing or even thriving player base. There is now, if indeed there ever was, little or no incentive for server owners and admins to do anything to improve player experience (unless they are part of the small number of enthusiasts dedicated to providing a clean game). I would suspect that most people here have long ago recognised and accepted this and confine their activities to a few favourite and trusted servers.

One sympathises with your predicament but it is not clear what you expect the outcome of a debate about it here to be. And, of course, being impolite, aggressive and abusive is hardly likely to endear you or the comments you make to the users of this forum - one would have thought that you would have learnt from RL that a pleasant, helpful and friendly attitude in communicating with other people is all important.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by nogardilaref »

OjitroC wrote:
TammT wrote:... Impossible to talk normally about some very present problems.
You have already stated the most obvious solutions to these problems - either don't play on servers you don't like or play on them and accept them as they are. There is really not much else to say except to reiterate another point already made - start your own server where you can control what goes on.
The thing is: in the end he just wants to rant, nothing more.
It's the typical drama queen scenario, played repeatedly.

He clearly doesn't want to even bother to start his own server, or do anything productive at all, not even trying other servers, and he does not understand that admins are free to do what they like, and that the word "public" attached to a server does not mean he actually has any opinion on how it is handled.
The environment of any public server is not a democracy. The admin may listen to the suggestions and concerns of its players, which tends to give the false impression to the players that they have "power" over the server, but ultimately the admin does whatever they feel like doing, either that may as well mean to listen, or not at all.

Adding to this, he only talks and posts about servers.
I know these servers, they only have bots (fake players) most of the time, if not all the time by now, and have had only bots most of the time for several years already as far as I can remember.
Plus, for a while these fake bots evolved to sound and look more like players, and randomly saying some patterned words in the chat, answering, displaying fake pings and countries, but any experienced player or developer can easily discern them out.
The very technique of actually having a bot that looks like the real player counterpart (name, ping, country, skin, model, etc) is something extremely old already, and which was often seen in Zark, SLV and other kinds of modded servers back in the day.

I don't doubt him that he may have chatted with one or another real player there, but the vast majority of his experience is in fact with bots, but he doesn't want to believe me.
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

Which would be all fine regardless if he would at least attempt to take his ass into another server like the ones I suggested to him or actually do something productive about it, which he clearly did not and doesn't seem to intend to anytime soon.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by RocketJedi »

OjitroC wrote:
TammT wrote:... Impossible to talk normally about some very present problems.
You have already stated the most obvious solutions to these problems - either don't play on servers you don't like or play on them and accept them as they are. There is really not much else to say except to reiterate another point already made - start your own server where you can control what goes on.

The game, if not dead, is certainly moribund - around 600 servers with seldom more than 350 'players' at any one time, and usually a lot less than this, hardly suggests a growing or even thriving player base. There is now, if indeed there ever was, little or no incentive for server owners and admins to do anything to improve player experience (unless they are part of the small number of enthusiasts dedicated to providing a clean game). I would suspect that most people here have long ago recognised and accepted this and confine their activities to a few favourite and trusted servers.

One sympathises with your predicament but it is not clear what you expect the outcome of a debate about it here to be. And, of course, being impolite, aggressive and abusive is hardly likely to endear you or the comments you make to the users of this forum - one would have thought that you would have learnt from RL that a pleasant, helpful and friendly attitude in communicating with other people is all important.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by ANUBITEK »

You're generally abrasive my dude, pls calm down

You should instead use this forum to post content you make or something, I dunno I'm stupid rofl.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by papercoffee »

nogardilaref wrote: I don't doubt him that he may have chatted with one or another real player there, but the vast majority of his experience is in fact with bots, but he doesn't want to believe me.
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
Bots in Counter Strike 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 had a configurable fake-chat file. You could set up keywords and reactions to them. If you invest a few days could you write a discourse about the categorical imperative and let the bots discuss it. Those bots could scan each map to navigate through the environment and didn't need way-points what made them more unpredictable and harder to detect as UT-bots. But sometimes they got stuck on silly places, then you knew it was a fake player.
So, yes bots can chat with you over hours if the admin set them up correctly.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by rjmno1 »

There is nothing wrong with this forum.There are some specialist for configuring the ut 99 and those guys gives you answers on your questions.
They now alot from ut99.
You just have to folow the rules, if you do that nothing is wrong.In the begining i did also have some troubles posting this.
After a few weeks you get use to the rules and accepting them the way they are.
Maby is something wrong with you.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by Hank »

Adding to this, he only talks and posts about servers. 
I know these servers, they only have bots (fake players) most of the time, if not all the time by now, and have had only bots most of the time for several years already as far as I can remember.
Plus, for a while these fake bots evolved to sound and look more like players, and randomly saying some patterned words in the chat, answering, displaying fake pings and countries, but any experienced player or developer can easily discern them out.
The server(s) in question hosted by Unrealteam do NOT and never have used a fake client mod. Their servers are usually populated with a mixture of new players and some very skilled players.

Also TammT, you should try posting your nonsense posts on their forum
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by TammT »

OK, my last post here: everything I wrote was correct. Did not say that here no at all really helpful people. Read my first post in this thread. I talked about jumping in be certain people which do nothing constructive, just play smartheads here, and when someone says it comes big insulted crap talk. I don't give a sh* to be nice with them. They are who behave not nice in fact, and I judge behavior not by form, by language, but by what they say . And they say utter crap. That bot talk was biggest stupidity about online UT I ever heard. And who told it is absolute idiot, who should ask medical help. No nice with stupid abusers. Time to straight talk.
Clean this forum from idiots, don't waste people's time. There are some who come here to read what is right and what is wrong, but instead it see mess and idiot claims, bragging of incompetent . Nowadays UT99 sucks because incompetent/unfair people took over servers, mods ....

Last paragraph: because I'm obsesses with that De server :D Today they removed that idiotic kick warnings for idle (as was to expect), and surprise: kickvote was activated. And yes, we kicked out SubZero constantly over 1 hour. And we could play. And that was best experience there in last months. I went offline for some time, and when came back, it was different - was no will to kick SZ, and worse, was no will to kick TED (now using food names) - and Gladiator Of Death, who talked over months that will clean server from TED and his gang did nothing, despite was even asked for. So, what to expect ? Nothing will change, that's. So I change what I can - my activities. Bye.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by Barbie »

OK, my last post here: [...]
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by papercoffee »

Barbie wrote:
OK, my last post here: [...]
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by nogardilaref »

Hank wrote:
Adding to this, he only talks and posts about servers. 
I know these servers, they only have bots (fake players) most of the time, if not all the time by now, and have had only bots most of the time for several years already as far as I can remember.
Plus, for a while these fake bots evolved to sound and look more like players, and randomly saying some patterned words in the chat, answering, displaying fake pings and countries, but any experienced player or developer can easily discern them out.
The server(s) in question hosted by Unrealteam do NOT and never have used a fake client mod. Their servers are usually populated with a mixture of new players and some very skilled players.
Hmmm... I just went to check it out to see if that was really true, and you're absolutely right, they do not use fake players, right now at least.
They do use bots though, and depending on the server, they have their own custom names and everything, but they are correctly assigned as such with a ping of 0.

I apologize for stating that uses fake players, after checking again that's clearly not the case.
It's been a looong time since I last stopped by over there.

Having that said, I am not 100% sure however if what you're saying is true about "ever", as things certainly changed even when it comes to the HUD and other mods they use now for the same kind of servers from back then (such as Funnel for example), but on the other hand I might have indeed wrongfully associated them with other servers in my head which used fake players, as I do distinctly remember of stopping playing on these specifically about 3~4 years ago due to the bots once the servers got quite inactive, something which I saw happening today as well there.

@TammT: OK, so at least some of the players you have been playing with are indeed "real".
SubZero for instance is one of them, I played today against himself in Funnel, and had no issues, he certainly ate some Redeemers from me, no big deal.

From there, the way you described them, and the video you posted back then, they sounded, acted and moved like bots.
In light of what Hank pointed out and I confirmed, I might indeed be wrong about you playing against bots alone, but damn, then these players are actually really rather "weak"?
I mean, I am just an average player, and I am perfectly capable of wiping the floor with any of those you have shown in that video, they're actually quite slow, so maybe, you're just a bad player (that whole rabbit jumping doesn't actually help, dodging does).

Regardless, I do apologize to you for being hellbent on the bots stuff in the specific case of, I probably confused it with some other set of servers from back in the day, so it seems that it wasn't the case at all here.

But, know that bots acting as players is a thing, and the whole point is for them to fool other players (like you).
I can point out to the very server I mentioned before doing exactly this, if it still exists (it did at least a few months ago).
I was actually impressed with the little details they added.

Other than that, everything else still stands. And if you want to leave, then leave, the community does not really need folks with such an attitude like yours.
But if one day you look back and understand how much of a prick you have been with everyone since the start, and repent, feel free to come back.
Last edited by nogardilaref on Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: This forum sucks

Post by sektor2111 »

TammT wrote: That bot talk was biggest stupidity about online UT I ever heard. And who told it is absolute idiot, who should ask medical help. No nice with stupid abusers. Time to straight talk.
Ok, about that "idiot" talking about talking bots who needs medical examination. Lemme share my dumb opinion:
- YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT UTDMT is. That is an A.I. pawn able to talk shit and has a ping shown - fun purpose but is a bit bad coded - I have a fixed version anyway;
- YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT UTBots mutator does as well - making bots more human like rather than robotic cadavers mooing at PathNodes;
- DynamicAI - by myself screws some Nodes making them dynamic and Bot will do a bit of changes in default known Navigation;
- Perhaps you did not see how are BOTZ moving and doing a run-time pathing straight in game from a dedicated pathing file mapped, making even an empty sh!t map to have a Bot party with human moves - also fun purpose and functional a bit impressive stuff for coders generally;
The crapped part: If above stuff is being mixed and used IpServerX server tool you'll have a nice party with "players" fooling noobs at extremes. Is not the case for UnrealTeam.De servers but fake players is not impossible to do and even able to speak, to insult human player, and even responding at your "HI", refusing orders more or less politely. But... if you did not play UT last time (years) you don't know what good/bad stuff has been done, and yes, UT has been tuned a bit as a surprise.
And an info-note:
Stuff for UT which is not shared anywhere doesn't means it do not exist. Some private things are just... private.
Have a nice day with best regards !
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