bDropDetail (???)

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bDropDetail (???)

Post by Gadavre »

I found in class ShockProj and MTracer this Code.
What this code means, answer, please!

Code: Select all

simulated function PostBeginPlay()
	if ( Level.bDropDetail )
		LightType = LT_None;
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Re: bDropDetail (???)

Post by Pandemonium »

I think it has to do with performance. Not sure, maybe it has to do with the "min desired framerate" you can set within the game..?

In this case my guess is bDropDetail turns true when the framerate is too low. Then it reduces graphics effects to keep the framerate high.

In your case it deactivates the dynamic lighteffect caused by the flying shockcore itself, leading to better performance.

But that's just an idea, I'm not sure myself as I have no UT installed atm to read the class of the level actor. :noidea

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Re: bDropDetail (???)

Post by JackGriffin »

First, here's a fish:

Code: Select all

var bool             bDropDetail;     // frame rate is below DesiredFrameRate, so drop high detail actors
and if you are interested, here's a fishing pole
I'm going to give you the key to about 70% of your questions. Not that no one likes to answer them but it's nice when you know where to instantly look and get information. I"m not talking down to you Gad, I'm saying this in the hopes someone finds it via a google search and wants to know more.

When you have a question on a default function, setting, etc of the engine one of the best places to go is an Uncodex web version of the source code. Here's the one I use all the time:
and for 227 ... index.html

To find that information on bDropDetail I clicked "Glossary" and selected "B".
>Scroll down and find "BDropDetail" and click it.
>Now you'll see a summary of the declaration. Directly click that to open the actual source code link.
>Click source code and it will show you where it is used.

Often the first declaration of a function or variable will have some explanation as to what it does. If not you can follow it forward through the code and start to get an idea what it's doing. This isn't always an answer, often it creates more questions BUT at least you are on track to solving it yourself first.
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Re: bDropDetail (???)

Post by Gadavre »

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Re: bDropDetail (???)

Post by Pandemonium »

So it does exactly what I thought it would do.. :rock:

That's awesome.

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Re: bDropDetail (???)

Post by JackGriffin »

It's often the case that you will intuit what something likely does but traveling back to the source code will tell you many things you wouldn't have known. Here's an example: did you know the impact hammer can be used to block incoming projectiles like rockets? Look at it's source and find the function TraceAltFire(). I didn't know this for years as a player and it wasn't until I was scanning the source code that I actually found it myself. Once you start digging into the code there are little useful nuggets everywhere.
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Re: bDropDetail (???)

Post by papercoffee »

JackGriffin wrote:It's often the case that you will intuit what something likely does but traveling back to the source code will tell you many things you wouldn't have known. Here's an example: did you know the impact hammer can be used to block incoming projectiles like rockets? Look at it's source and find the function TraceAltFire(). I didn't know this for years as a player and it wasn't until I was scanning the source code that I actually found it myself. Once you start digging into the code there are little useful nuggets everywhere.
This function was also implemented in the Frying Pan. :wink: