it's easier to fix tournament player's broken fire functionality for weapons not subclassed of TournamentWeapon inside the base code than try to hack something that may be impossible since maps can use custom code for stuff like ClassIsChildOf on unreal projectiles & weapons for triggers and such.
See ServerMove in NSTournamentPlayer in this package:
About UI scaling: ... 22#p585522
it looks like the renderers can modify the 2d plane to upscale it, so maybe it can be done with that alone. I never really got around to truly hammering on the issue. real life sucks when it makes you busy...
This was fixed in 227 by myself badgering smirf for a while, so it should be able to be ported in. I am not aware of the code contents since I don't have an NDA.PrinceOfFunky wrote: ↑Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:55 pm 11) Make coronas not visible when they get outside of a portal drawn with canvas.DrawPortal();
FPS/tickrate> 120 issues:
unreal engine actually attempts to clamp tickrate but does a very bad job of it (stuttering, etc), you can see this in public headers: ... Win.h#L904
I am told by smirf that function returns 120 eventually. I could be wrong, this knowledge of mine is ancient
tl;dr: clamp fps to 119 and it won't jitter. that sucks for 144hz monitors i know.