Unreal Tournament 469

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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by []KAOS[]Casey »

darksonny wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:29 pm Any upgrade or improvements about using maps from unreal 227 without using unreal's stock weapon to be using the ut goty ones instead? Not all unreal 227 maps supports weapon/tems switching inside ut goty to ut goty weapons
it's easier to fix tournament player's broken fire functionality for weapons not subclassed of TournamentWeapon inside the base code than try to hack something that may be impossible since maps can use custom code for stuff like ClassIsChildOf on unreal projectiles & weapons for triggers and such.

See ServerMove in NSTournamentPlayer in this package: http://www.klankaos.com/NewSchool.zip (a bit cheeky there on this old mod with the naming :^) sometimes i'm a jerk)

About UI scaling:
https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... 22#p585522

it looks like the renderers can modify the 2d plane to upscale it, so maybe it can be done with that alone. I never really got around to truly hammering on the issue. real life sucks when it makes you busy...
PrinceOfFunky wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:55 pm 11) Make coronas not visible when they get outside of a portal drawn with canvas.DrawPortal();
This was fixed in 227 by myself badgering smirf for a while, so it should be able to be ported in. I am not aware of the code contents since I don't have an NDA.

FPS/tickrate> 120 issues:
unreal engine actually attempts to clamp tickrate but does a very bad job of it (stuttering, etc), you can see this in public headers:
https://github.com/stephank/surreal/blo ... Win.h#L904
I am told by smirf that function returns 120 eventually. I could be wrong, this knowledge of mine is ancient
tl;dr: clamp fps to 119 and it won't jitter. that sucks for 144hz monitors i know.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by BaTHuK »

Hello, that's great news. Thanks for your work.
As I know devs are collecting ideas for a new patch.
We have got one idea for many years already.
Competitive ictf players especially from ut2004 and ut4 ask for bright skins in ut99.
I know there is a tweak for that which is illegal according to the old CB rules.
Is that possible to create a server side mutator which will allow players to use or not to use bright skins while playing?
@OwYeaW tried to do that as i know
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by esnesi »

People indeed getting crazy with requests.

We will not, however, change the way the game looks or feels.

I've suggested 2 things on discord.

1) 1920x1080 default scaled crosshairs.
2) Player setup menu under 1920x1080. (rescaled window so that model is completely visible)
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Feralidragon »

PrinceOfFunky wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:37 pm 6) A workaround to mismatches would be good;
Of all the bug reports and feature suggestions here, I believe this is one of the most important ones.
This issue alone plagues everyone, from mappers to modders to players to server admins, and it's always a pain in the ass to manage correctly and only causes issues upon issues, with no need.

I would like to release a package, and update that package, without any need to rename it on the fear that it will create a mismatch in servers.
There's no reason why a server would need to reject a player simply because he doesn't have the right version of a file, when the different file version could simply be transferred and cached on the side, just like it happens with missing packages already.

I never understood the whole thing around mismatching packages, and it ought to move up in the list of priorities for the new patch imho.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by esnesi »

Curious what can be done with that indeed.

A mismatch does not occur when the file is still in a player's cache.
Although I've seen weird cases, where the server gives a mismatch on a file which is not even there after conversion of cache.
And when placing that file in the corresponding folder, the player can connect without any mismatch errors.

I assume XC client can do something in these cases, but curious what.
I can imagine something with a temporarily renamed file which allows the player to connect only that session.
After a reboot of UT the file returns to its original filename.

But i assume and imagine too much sometimes.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by sektor2111 »

XC_Engine has a deal with mismatches - problem stays if that will go defaulted into update at once with small improvements. Here comes compression crap for player when UZ file is bigger than original - speaking about very small packages - Barbie has figured this bug, any of you can recreate that by using such small files as packages and see what happens with poor client - UT sucks at this point. Definitely newer LZMA is superior in all ways - compressing speed, file size, etc.
At least Sending file by server can be properly hacked into a higher speed, for servers without redirect - another XCGE feature completely compatible with original client... and so on. All Server specific things can be imported and used as long as they are not sent to client and not really replicated.
More to talk maybe is pointless but as a summary, I think every single native has to be revised/checked properly...
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Deepu »

XC_Engine is broken for handling version mismatches, sometimes it will work perfectly, sometimes it shows mismatches with broken msgs, there is no .int file for translating code to language i think
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by sektor2111 »

Higor can explain if XCGE has some settings needed in INT for showing errors properly - if exist a code linked with an INT.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Berserker »

Bug discovered by Ooper
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Deepu »

Very very funny, berserker...
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Gustavo6046 »

esnesi wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:16 pm People indeed getting crazy with requests.

We will not, however, change the way the game looks or feels.

I've suggested 2 things on discord.

1) 1920x1080 default scaled crosshairs.
2) Player setup menu under 1920x1080. (rescaled window so that model is completely visible)
Please don't forget us 768p players!

Also, as for the aiming "bug", I'll quote what I said on DIscord.
It's not a bug. If you hold your weapon to your right, you don't expect projectiles/bullets coming from your center. Unfortunately, that means it will never be exactly under the crosshair, but rather slightly offset.

This is why it's not advised to use your weapon in the left or right side of the screen for precision aiming – use Center if you really insist on seeing the model. (I'm sure it still offsets the projectile vertically, though!)
TL;DR the weapon is off centered when wielding it at the screen's Left or Right, so the projectiles/bullets must also be, otherwise they would look like they're coming out of your torso.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Would like the dodge bug being fixed, where you have to jump to be able to dodge(non newnet servers).
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by papercoffee »

Deepu wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:26 pm Very very funny, berserker...
I don't get it. :noidea
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Deepu »

Just wait i will post a video for this
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Tyr »

Berserker wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:44 pm

Bug discovered by Ooper
It's not in the original game. I don't have XC_Engine or what it's called. It works perfect with every weapon setting.