"Valid" threads dream

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"Valid" threads dream

Post by sektor2111 »

has only questions about a map which I was curious what it's about. ALL links are dead, images, map location, explanations are... "entertaining".
How did I bump that CADAVER ? It was shown as "Similar Post" for BotPathing request thread - I though that double posting (same subject posted in two threads) is against rules but it's not exactly like that. Topic doesn't have too much logic answers - people weren't having any clue about what were they doing, and now was locked for necro-bumping - Valid topic ? What is Valid there ? Okay then - you can remove that "SIMILAR POSTS" USELESS charge for DEAD topics, tell me why would I bother to read NOTHING from topics having ZERO CONTENT that can be examined/studied because all Links are going nowhere.
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by EvilGrins »

I sent you a PM on this.
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by sektor2111 »

Yeah, I read it...
I think I'm having a problem with words "valid" and "similar posts" - I think it was about "similar useless wreck posts - don't bother with them" because we have links to some Chinese pages connected there for ZERO reasons as long as those servers are gone or they have other purposes. It's why I won't open those things from my rooted phones... and I think I have a name recommended "optional similar trash posting - dead links are expected"... or... something more constructive, get rid of that thing. If we are looking for some posting we can use SEARCH tool-box/feature after all.

Here I think I'm going to setup some "page-filtering" as I did with that "cookie" annoyance.
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:56 pm Okay then - you can remove that "SIMILAR POSTS" USELESS charge for DEAD topics, tell me why would I bother to read NOTHING from topics having ZERO CONTENT that can be examined/studied because all Links are going nowhere.

Here I think I'm going to setup some "page-filtering" as I did with that "cookie" annoyance.
You raise a valid point but the problems you allude to (dead links, no images, etc, etc) apply in part or in whole to a considerable number of posts. If you look at the 'Obscure UT Sites' thread, you'll see that a lot of the early links in particular no longer work and a fair proportion of images in a lot of other early threads are missing or are now obscured.

Not all the posts in the "Similar Posts" box are necessarily useless of course - some are, some aren't (I've followed some up on occasion and found some interesting 'things'). The only solution, short of a radical pruning of threads and topics in the forum (which is, of course, undesirable for a number of reasons), is for the individual user to come to their own decision about what value a post or a thread may have for them (as everybody presumably does normally in any case).

An ad blocker blocks the cookie message - if that's what it is as I never see it.
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by sektor2111 »

That topic has nothing, no one can see what was about, instead of locking it, it should be DELETED because has zero usable content and assumptions.
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:42 pm That topic has nothing, no one can see what was about, instead of locking it, it should be DELETED because has zero usable content and assumptions.
You may be right but the central problem is that what you say is a matter of opinion (and that it entirely valid of course). Actually the thread does have some 'things' of interest - it gives the name of a map and some considerable discussion about its features - an interested person could attempt to find the map even if the link to it in the thread is dead. There is also some technical information to be gleaned from a close reading of all the posts. Read in the right way the thread gives some degree of insight into the technical capabilities of the mapper (and of the posters), at that time anyway. At the very least it is of historical interest, if not of any great practical value.

One issue this does raise, of course, is the problem inherent in hosting content that is illustrated or linked to in posts in locations other than the forum itself - it is a problem that it likely to get worse over time and it is a problem that diminishes, but does not totally remove, the value of a considerable number of posts (particularly those from the early days of the forum).
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by sektor2111 »

We can discuss a few words about that subject from what I've read.
OjitroC wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:09 pm the thread gives some degree of insight into the technical capabilities of the mapper
excuse me, you lost me here, I don't see these "capabilities"...

SwJumpPad in a flight map ? Are you okay, guys ?

It has 63/64 zones because I think Editor won't show more - here I'll do some testing and reporting such insanity.

Warp-zones - a lot - sweet dreams, baby.
ThatOne wrote: HOW DOes anyone bothpath through WarpZones????????
Editor does it, not "anyone". In 2012 - End-of-World year - people were having more issues... lol.
Other wrote: Wait those are Water columns ??? bot pathing doesn't work well in water ...
Very FALSE - you should see some "Forest" map and how Bots are escalating a cascade/water-fall :sleep: Done without any XC thing - aside note, In water a PathNode is more reachable than you can think about. Swimming allows more moving up down left right - as result Pawn "CanMoveTo" point easier than on the common ground... In 2020 perhaps Anthrax and Higor can deploy real stuff about Bot Support aka map pathing or such explaining what a computer controlled Pawn can do in UE1 and what Pawn cannot do... and what a map should have accordingly.
Ect ect. I was looking for map in cause because all posting from there for me it's SPAM - I don't see any final solution neither [solved] tag.

Why looking over there ? Because I was working (and I think I will adjust/change) Bot Support in some SLV mod and I'm curious to see what mappers wanted in such environments - I repeat - NOTHING to see. I worked at another strategy for finding paths when pawn seeker cannot see paths due to movement capabilities, but that solution is another subject to discuss - perhaps only for people interested...
If "Bot Pathing request" topic has some content, in this "similar post" there is nothing like a map and then word "similar" to me has a wrong meaning at once with bottom section describing it.
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:27 pm We can discuss a few words about that subject from what I've read.
OjitroC wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:09 pm the thread gives some degree of insight into the technical capabilities of the mapper
excuse me, you lost me here, I don't see these "capabilities"...

SwJumpPad in a flight map ? Are you okay, guys ?

It has 63/64 zones because I think Editor won't show more - here I'll do some testing and reporting such insanity.

Warp-zones - a lot - sweet dreams, baby.
That's the point though - it does give some insights - they don't have to be positive (it's important to realise that different people 'read' things in different/multiple ways) - plus this discussion has generated some useful information from you about bots and water.

I take your overall point of course and understand it fully. I'm not saying that the thread under discussion is of any great value - I'm just saying that it should not be deleted simply because it has no useable content and not much other useful information since that applies to many other posts/threads here and, once on a slippery slope, where does one stop?
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by sektor2111 »

As a different thing, that "Similar Topics" can be removed because 2012 it's not similar with 2020 and neither with 2021, just saying and... pointing some direction "recommended" which has a poor content. Search feature does a good job...
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by Dr.Flay »

The thread has 2 downloadable files in the first post, and one dead link that you don't really need to use anyway.
The issue you seem to have is not with this site, but with the end destination of the old links people used.
If we kill threads based on obsolete links we don't control, we will loose a lot of the point of the searchable and historical nature of keeping this forum as intact as possible.

The internet gets old, goes grey and its hair falls out.
Get over it.
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Re: "Valid" threads dream

Post by sektor2111 »

Agree - thread HAS BEEN EDITED with two links (initially weren't there) more exactly in June 07 2020.
Thank you ! This is what I want from Admins, helping not locking threads or keeping them useless.

I'm going to setup some logging party and results are going elsewhere as long as initial post is locked without to be solved... or having explanations about what is doable and what cannot be done in any way.
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