Unreal Script where is it?

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Unreal Script where is it?

Post by mrfrisky330 »


having played UT99 from new I am thinking it would be cool to modify some of the weapons. However two things are making it difficult. Firstly all the web sites like unrealwiki are always talking about UT2003/2004 so I have no confidence what they teach applies to UT99 and more importantly they all talk about UnrealScript but I can't find it on the CD so my main questions really are:

- where is UT script?
- what software do I need to edit it?
- what software do I need to make .u .int .umod etc files?
- has there ever been a UT99 dedicated UT script site so I can be sure I am not learning techniques for facilities UT99 does not have??
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Re: Unreal Script where is it?

Post by Feralidragon »

mrfrisky330 wrote: - where is UT script?
You can see the scripts by:
- Unreal Editor (a.k.a. Ued, green icon in system folder)
- UTPT (Unreal Tournament Package Tool) - Google it and you will find it

mrfrisky330 wrote: - what software do I need to edit it?
Well, you can use the Ued script editor, which I HIGLY NOT RECOMMEND.
What I recommend is a notepad, or even WOT Greal (again google).
mrfrisky330 wrote: - what software do I need to make .u .int .umod etc files?
To make .u files from a "raw" package, you need UMake (google).
To make .int, you just need a notepad.
To make .umod: no idea, never done it before.
mrfrisky330 wrote: - has there ever been a UT99 dedicated UT script site so I can be sure I am not learning techniques for facilities UT99 does not have??
Well, Unreal Wiki has tutorials dedicated to UT only. All you have to do is to go to the search box and write, for example, "weapon", and you just go to the ones which have "(UT)", like you don't go to "Weapon", you go to "Weapon(UT)" instead.
But if you still aren't convinced, you can go here: http://chimeric.beyondunreal.com/tutorials.php
It's UT only, but I think it isn't updated anymore, so some pages might be broken.

Good luck :tu:
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Re: Unreal Script where is it?

Post by mrfrisky330 »

Thank you very much for quite a comprehensive answer!

I must sound such a moron but now I know what to do I shall get all the stuff and do my first (and highly unambitious) mod to create an instagib mutator with a slightly faster firing rate!!

Looking at the web regarding the script it looks like a C++ variant (which I recognise from my ill spent youth writing mods for the first Quake game) so it should be nice and straight forward.

As for UMOD creation using killerinfo search engine in under 20 seconds I found this:

http://www.bulldozer.utjag.co.uk/RedEye ... round3.htm

If you search for UMOD there is a download for a UMOD creator (uses UTs native ucc.exe) :)

Many thanks
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