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Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I'm in real emergency right now. I am not talking about the fact that we have no heating. We will soon have no money left for food either. There will be zero christmas for me this year anyways, can't afford it but what is worse now I'm getting below that. All that because we had to pay the hospital bill and everything so there's no reserve left and we still need some important supplies, but now its gotten this bad. I would need to explain a lot further right now for everyone to understand, but I will be lucky if someone will understand at all and won't go like "I spent all my money for luxury presents so you will have to starve" kind of thing.

I know this is not the most empathic place to go this with and my bitterness I guess won't help.
But this is real shit...
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Re: emergency

Post by Red_Fist »

Know what I say ?

Serves you right to suffer,,,, same as me.

Get your shit together. hate to say it, but you need to stop.
I know it's a bitch, damn "life" anyway, but you got to perform, against your will.

Saying as a friend.

Believe me, I AM VERY empathetic, we all are.
Binary Space Partitioning
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Re: emergency

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

ignoring that last post. things have gotten worse. anyone canadian around here btw? we need to get over to canada for quite a while already and now its become urgent.
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Re: emergency

Post by Red_Fist »

After re reading my post, I guess what I mean is it seems there is no humans that help, from my perspective it's all dog eat dog.

so i didn't want to sound so abrasive, sorry.
Binary Space Partitioning
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Re: emergency

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I don't think its in dogs nature either if you get what I mean. By default they take better care of themselves than the humans do at this point it seems, lol.

Tasmanian devils on the other hand, those look dog-like while are not and they are active cannibals and quite a bit "psycho" lol.
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