Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

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Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by rizbef »

Today, my game crashed trying to load the CTF-Coret. It is a map I hardly ever play (this is the first time I've loaded it in...years probably, if ever).
Got this error,
ut error.png
I tried to look at things myself, opened the UnrealTournament log text file. Sure enough, a bunch of errors on the player spawn. I also saw many other errors about "failed to load" with various model/skin files listed. Which did not make sense because I went and checked and the files exist in my System folder. I checked my own player setup and the model looks fine there. I also checked the bot configuration. All supposed "failed to load" skins are showing. I don't know if that is related to the player start issue but figured I would mention it.

Tested Coret again and several other maps. Coret again would not start when I hit fire. Only several bots were loaded into the game. This player spawn error only seems to happen on CTF-Coret. I have played many other maps just fine.

I'm not good with scripts or codes or anything in UE aside from voicepacks LOL, so I don't want to go poking around by myself.

Here's part of the log when it gave the error and crashed:

Code: Select all

ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
Warning: Login failed: Failed to spawn player actor
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Failed to spawn player actor
Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::ShutdownAfterError
Log: DirectDraw End Mode
Exit: UD3D9RenderDevice::ShutdownAfterError
Critical: MatchViewportsToActors
Critical: (CTF-Coret.unr)
Critical: ClientInit
Critical: UGameEngine::LoadMap
Critical: LocalMapURL
Critical: UGameEngine::Browse
Critical: ClientTravel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: MainLoop
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 08/12/23 00:41:28
Here's some of the log after I tried a few other maps with no issue. Came back to Coret, couldn't spawn, and exited before crashing:

Code: Select all

ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot
ScriptLog: PitF Skrilax tskmskins. tskmskins.
ScriptLog: PitF Skrilax tskmskins. tskmskins.
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at CTF-Coret.PlayerStart5
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot

Google was unhelpful, but I did find this from another topic,
sektor2111 wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:09 pm In CTF-Coret there is a jumpy access at Flak spot - but there is an unusable PlayerStart which UT is fixing itself

So maybe this is a known issue? Was there a CTF-Coret][ released I haven't seen? I seem to find mostly threads talking about how awesome the map is, hardly any mentions of the error I am getting, so thought it couldn't hurt to ask.

Apologies mods if this is in the wrong section... wasn't sure if it should go in general or mapping.
Last edited by rizbef on Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by Aspide »

The problem occurs because this map has a playerstart that is located inside level geometry :facepalm: (PlayerStart5 to be precise), the 436 patch solves this problem, I don't know the details of how the patch solves the problem but the important thing is that it works. This glitch happens whenever a playerstart is located in a place that it shouldn't be and I have played many custom maps that have the same problem :mrgreen: .
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by rizbef »

Aspide wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:48 am The problem occurs because this map has a playerstart that is located inside level geometry :facepalm: (PlayerStart5 to be precise), the 436 patch solves this problem, I don't know the details of how the patch solves the problem but the important thing is that it works. This glitch happens whenever a playerstart is located in a place that it shouldn't be and I have played many custom maps that have the same problem :mrgreen: .
Thanks for replying!

You know what, I thought I had 436. But I have 432 :loool:

I go years without playing so I guess I missed that patch! I'll have to look into it and see what else it does before installing.
I have seen several threads on 469 but I am afraid to install that due to all of the error reports I came across here.
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by Barbie »

rizbef wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:56 am I have seen several threads on 469 but I am afraid to install that due to all of the error reports I came across here.
Just copy your UT installation to another folder and apply updates there.
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by OjitroC »

You can safely update to 436.

As suggested by Barbie, you can set up another UT99 installation and run 469c (which does not have any major issues). If you don't like it, you can then just use 436.

If you want to do neither, open up the map in the Editor and delete or move PlayerStart5 and then rebuild the paths and save the map. That will remove the PlayerStart issue.
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by rizbef »

OjitroC wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:03 am You can safely update to 436.

As suggested by Barbie, you can set up another UT99 installation and run 469c (which does not have any major issues). If you don't like it, you can then just use 436.

If you want to do neither, open up the map in the Editor and delete or move PlayerStart5 and then rebuild the paths and save the map. That will remove the PlayerStart issue.
Do I still have to install 436 first? Or can I just jump to 469?

My laptop is fairly old and not a lot of room/ram etc. I'm not sure it can handle a second UT folder. Might get a thumb drive.
I already had to stop playing my favorite Faulkenstein map because it can't handle the size :nonono:

But thanks for the replies everyone!
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by OjitroC »

Personally I would be cautious about updating given what you say about your setup - if you are happy with the way everything works now and you don't play a lot of UT then perhaps it would be best to continue with 432 - at least that will minimize the potential for new and different issues. Anyway something to think about.

As regards the skin errors you reported - it looks to me as though most of the models with issues are single part skins - Abbey for example has only one part unlike the default UT models that have four parts. So the game is looking for those four parts, can't find them as they don't exist (and don't need to exist) and so reports an error. That error is a false positive - whilst logically there is an issue, in practice there is not. That kind of error is quite common with skins - I get it with the model I use (obviously happens every game but it has not caused any wider issue).

You may need to check where you get an issue with a model/skin that you expect/know to have more than one part, like a default Male/Female Commando/Soldier, but beyond that, those errors are not something of concern.
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by EvilGrins »

This may be a little oversimplified, but have you considered moving the offending PlayerStart a little over to somewhere it's no longer causing that problem?
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by Barbie »

OjitroC wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:03 am open up the map in the Editor and delete or move PlayerStart5 and then rebuild the paths and save the map.
Better save it under a new, unique name because otherwise you may get "file mismatches" when playing online.
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by rizbef »

EvilGrins wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:38 pm This may be a little oversimplified, but have you considered moving the offending PlayerStart a little over to somewhere it's no longer causing that problem?
You say oversimplified, I say that all sounds Greek to me :lol: I'll have to follow a tutorial when I have more time to look into it.
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Re: Player Spawn Error When Trying to Play CTF-Coret

Post by sektor2111 »

There are Two (or more ?) options here.
1 - You can solve map and using a different name you can earn better paths because Coret has more issues anyway (auto-fixed in 436);
2 - I think I can do an unique mutator (like that AntiCannon whatever for AS-Guardia) addressing map and applying a patch similar to 436.

I worked with stage 1 - using a better map...
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