Failure to load a Save

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Failure to load a Save

Post by OjitroC »

Following the discussion in the MH-KingJoshCIty2 thread (viewtopic.php?p=144962#p144962, I played the map for a few minutes and then followed the procedure to save the game, shut down UT and later came back to play the saved game.

However the saved game would not run and I had this error

Code: Select all

Log: Failed import: Font Font Editor.DynamicFont1 (file ../System/Editor.u)
Warning: Failed to load save1.usa: Can't find Font in file Font Editor.DynamicFont1..
Warning: Failed to load "Level None.MyLevel": Can't find Font in file Font Editor.DynamicFont1..
It's something I've had before in OldSkool when trying to play Saves of SP maps - doesn't happen every time though (basically happens if the save is made when there is on-screen message as far as I can tell).

The MH-KingJoshCIty2 save was not made in OldSkool - just in basic UT469dRC4.

Anyone else had this issue? Any ideas for a solution?
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Re: Failure to load a Save

Post by Buggie »

This look as bug. Please create github issue for it.
Possible title: "Dynamic fonts should not be referenced for package saving".
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Re: Failure to load a Save

Post by OjitroC »

Thanks - have created an issue using your suggested heading :tu:
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