[SOLVED] Looking for a specific CTF map from memory

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[SOLVED] Looking for a specific CTF map from memory

Post by caver01 »


Hi all! I posted this over on the OldUnreal Discord, but thought the UT99.org audience might be be able to help.

I setup a UT99 server to play with friends--full nostalgia mode--but I am trying to find a CTF map I remember playing back in the day. I don't remember what our favorite servers were back then, but this straightforward map was in regular rotation with stuff like Diamond Sword and all of the stock maps.

Here's what I remember:
It is a symmetrical, long narrow map with flags positioned on small platforms (docks?) floating on toxic water. These docks were merely a few square feet (similar to the upper flag in November), and on opposite ends of a flat environment set maybe in a jungle. From the flag, you run up from the dock to a low, long building--might have been a long boat--a low platform slightly above the surrounding water. Leaving the flag dock, you can take passageways around either side. One side goes along outiside with a railing just a few feet over the toxic water. The other makes some curves indoors. There's a center area with armor, or shield belt, and the opposite side is a mirror image, symmetrical, again, flag at the back on a little square dock.
I know, it's not much to go on. It was not an expansive outdoor design, more of the action inside the long building, but there were turns along the edges where you could fall off into water, so it had an outside feel at times--especially at the flags. It was like a long riverboat, but that would not make sense given the flags on either end. More like a long platform building set in a toxic swamp.

Thoughts? Memories? Thanks!
Last edited by caver01 on Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Looking for a specific CTF map from memory

Post by TankBeef »

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Re: Looking for a specific CTF map from memory

Post by caver01 »

Thanks for the idea. Nope. The map in question had little to no vertical aspect. It might be such an early simple (boring?) map that people forgot about it. The search continues.
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Re: Looking for a specific CTF map from memory

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Any memory of the theme/textures it used? Did it have a map screenshot in the map selection? Custom textures for the buildings or all default? I might have a few in mind but would help to narrow it down.

Could have a look at the cwl mappacks here, if it was a pretty popular map maybe one of them had the map:
https://unrealarchive.org/mappacks/unre ... index.html
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Re: Looking for a specific CTF map from memory

Post by caver01 »

I know it had green toxic water surrounding the flags, and maybe jungle look outside the main building, but nothing notable sticks in my mind except maybe gray walls. I don’t recall anything custom or special. I will check that link. I am tempted scribble a quick pencil drawing of what i remember about the layout. maybe i will do that.
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Re: Looking for a specific CTF map from memory *SOLVED

Post by caver01 »

So, there is a saying that it takes a big man to admit he's wrong. . . I feel something similar here, so wanted to come "clean" about how silly I have been about this and to share that maybe 20 years or so have taken a toll on how I remember map details. . . .

The answer to this problem is CTF-Command. I know, it's stupid, and to those who offered help trying to figure this out, I thank you and sincerely apologize for wasting your time. . .

In my mind, I was actually remembering two maps--one described above, and another was asymmetrical, had one of the flag bases up some ramps and an elevator. . . see where this is going? These are two separate maps in my head, but they are the same one! Looking at the screenshots from Command was not jogging any memory, so today I finally just selected it and played for a few minutes. Lo and behold, one base is up some ramps. . . . and the other, while not exactly on a floaty dock like I remembered, had the curvy passages, railings over green toxic water. . . It's CTF-Command. I feel so stupid.

Anyway, that's nostalgia for ya, and how memory distorts reality. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. . .
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Re: Looking for a specific CTF map from memory *SOLVED

Post by TankBeef »

caver01 wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:52 pm So, there is a saying that it takes a big man to admit he's wrong. . . I feel something similar here, so wanted to come "clean" about how silly I have been about this and to share that maybe 20 years or so have taken a toll on how I remember map details. . . .
Hey, don't worry about it. :lol2:
In fact, a similar thing happened to me a couple of years ago with the map Maximizer. I remembered the map a bit differently, so my description was terrible. :oops: Here is my post if you want a laugh. viewtopic.php?t=14745
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