Some rare voicepacks

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Some rare voicepacks

Post by Ganba »


I found these voicepacks created during the 2000's lying around in one of my old HDDs while installing UT99 on my current PC; don't remember where I downloaded them but I haven't seen them online on any of the UT99 archive sites or anywhere else as of this writing:

-A male voicepack of Star Fox 64 dialogue - The file creation dates point to this having been created in 2008, thus it uses the compressed voice files; this was a decade before the emergence of the uncompressed voices from the Nintendo Gigaleak
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(anecdote: while I searched to see if this VP was uploaded anywhere else, I discovered that someone on DeviantArt of all places made a port of it to UT2004 in 2020 using the Gigaleak files)

-A female voicepack of clips from the English dub of the 2007 anime Lucky Star:
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-And a female voicepack of the English dub of Excel, the protagonist of the 1999 anime Excel Saga - I couldn't find the readme file for this one so the voicepack author is lost to history
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