DM[CSC]Dagolhell Botpathed

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DM[CSC]Dagolhell Botpathed

Post by browndl »

DM-[CSC]Dagolhell_PATHED ...

Map in its entirety made by “Vimper” in 2023. Originally released for the "Camping Sniper Community" Mapping Contest.

I have only added the botpathing, nothing more.

I made several attempts to find Vimper to ask permission but was unable to locate him. I would like to think he would not mind as I have made zero changes to his map beyond adding the botpathing which exponentially increases its play-ability and audience.

I am of the opinion that this is one of the best long-range sniper maps made for UT99.

I hope you enjoy.

David -DarkSniper- Brown
UT99 DM-EchoCanyons:DM-WaterTreatment1565:DM-DSKilnWorks3993:DM-DSWashNDry:DM-DSRedDawn:DM-DSBacktoSchool:DM-DSTowerBridge:DM-DSDeadeyeCanyon:DM-DSSectionn8Refinery:DM-DeckardsRevenge:DM-DSStudio:DM-SniperTown:DM-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-Wastelands:DM-TurboGen23:DM-LongForgotten:DOM-Dockside:CTF-enMakhana:CTF-UrbanSniper:CTF-CanyonWars:CTF-DSTowerBridge Unreal Badlands CiderTown UT99 Infiltration DM-INF-MagnumDocksDeluxe:DM-INF-MagnumDocks2:DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-INF-CityStorageLotA][:DM-INF-ColumbianDrugLord:EAS-INF-DS-RailBridge:DM-INF-ACityBlock:CTF-INF-SavageKillersHeadQuarters:CTF-INF-Capital:CTF-INF-ComplexB UT2003/04 DM-PineValley:DM-Koltoff:CTF-PawnsKeep:CTF-Ardimus Rainbow Six RavenShield AlleyStrike
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Re: DM[CSC]Dagolhell Botpathed

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Oh, sweet! Thanks for pathing this beauty! I bet Vimper appreciates it as well.
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