★ UTChat 30★

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★ UTChat 30★

Post by Que »

Nexgen (like) Chat Hud minus the Controller. Works with NexGen just need to disable nexgens hud in nexgen.ini

Code: Select all

UTChat by ProAsm and no0ne - 2021
Compatible with 436, 451 and 469.


Add UTChat<version>.u to your UTServer/System folder.
Open your Server.ini file and add under:


Add to the command line:
NB: This needs to be the last mutator in the command line.


bShowChatMessages (Default True) Also in Menu.
Setting this to False will disable the Mutator.

bBotsInServerChat (Default False) Also in Menu.
When set to True, the Chatbox on a server game will also show Bot messages.

This the admin can configure and is the color of the text in the top chat box.

This the all the text below the chatbox.

The configuration .ini file also holds the last 200 chat lines by the players.
This can be viewed in a window by typing in the console:

Mutate UTChat ShowChatLog
or !Chat as a chat message.

If logged in as an Admin, a Clear Chat Log option will be available to clear all chats.

If the last 2 characters in a chat line are for instance :) then an emoji will appear in it's place.
Current emoji's

:) = smile
:( = grin
:^ = eyes
:+ = thumb up
:- = thumb down
:o = lol
:f = fist
:k = ok hand
:t = thinking
:b = bomb
:c = cool
:u = point up
:p = tongue out
:s = poop
:w = wave
:q = question mark
:z = zZz

If :? is in the Say then a list of abbreviations will be shown.

If you wish to use UTChat instead of Nexgen's chat:

Set in nexgen.ini

In UTChat.ini

To Open Chat Window in game;
Console: Mutate UTChat ShowChatLog
you may bind to a key ie;

Code: Select all

set input <key> Mutate UTChat ShowChatLog
or type !Chat as a chat message.

Known Bugs:
UTChat Changelog
Fixed white player text in chatlog.
Fixed bAddServerToFavs.

Added bAddServerToFavs option at game end.
Added bUseSiegeHUD for Siege Stats.
Added small chatlog spacing option.
Fixed null player mute displays.
Added LanCountryFlag.
Fixed clientside Player Mute.
Added serverside Admin Player Mute.
Fixed flag displays in 436 and 451.
Added name[+Player] trap when login.
Increased UTChatFlagCfg to 50.
Trapped many accessed nones.

Added bAddServerToFavs option at game end.
Added bUseSiegeHUD for Siege Stats.
Added small chatlog spacing option.
Fixed null player mute displays.
added LightMode for Chatlog

Added LanCountryFlag.
Fixed clientside Player Mute.
Added serverside Admin Player Mute.

Fixed flag displays in 436 and 451.
Added name[+Player] trap when login.
Increased UTChatFlagCfg to 50.

Trapped many accessed nones.

Fixed bug with kill messages.

Added check for SSB player reflag.
Fixed no flag X position in chat.

Added client variables with no version dependencies.
Changed emoji thumbs down from :- to :<
Added fixed clientside variables.
Added NewFaceless texture option.
Added flag options for chat, chatlog and players.
Added RemoveAllEmojis in ini file only.

Reverted back to 23k
Added game end antispam option.
Added game end level change detection.
Added emoji vertical adjustment.
Added message sound for spectators.
Fixed admin message in admin window.
Added player list in chatlog.
Added flags to player list.
Added [spec] to log list.
Added emojis to chatlog.
Added country flags to chatlog.
Added select emoji to editbox.
Removed bShowChatMessages;

This was scrapped.

This was scrapped.

This was scrapped.

v23m (v24)
Added bCheckExtendedNick.
Admin string now in WRI.

Fixed GPF in 436/451 D3D rendering.
Reduced all 512 textures to 256.

Added additional entered game traps.
Improved start control fire detection.
Removed UTChatHud as HudMutator.

Removed v23g log stuff.
Added [+Bot] and [-Bot]
Added [+Spectator] and [-Spectator]

Added temp UTChatClientLog for [+Player] traps.
Redirected server [+Player] to chatlog.

Fixed and locked emoji option window.
Fixed other messages color issue.
Capitalized Ready and Starting messages.
Fixed spectator player colors.
Fixed idle frag counter when spectator.

Fixed team game colors.
Added Emoji menu window.
Removed strip emojis and banner.
Added back client ChatDuration.
Added back client OtherDuration.

Fixed several Accessed Nones in UTChatHud

Removed check ssb and gri bBeacons.
Removed bMyBeacons from DM.

Added admin options for bDisableChatLog
Added admin options for bNoChatBorders.
Added admin options for bNoChatShading.
Fixed ssb player beacon delay in hud.

Spawned Logo earlier.

Fixed emojis for spec to player.
Added Player + and - for join and leave if no nexgen.
Added Spectator join + if no nexgen.
Added bPlayerJoinLeave option.
Fixed Chat and Other option colors.

Added bDisableAntiSpam, in admin menu.
Added bFontOverRide option in Admin menu,
Added ChatFontSize option in Admin Menu.
Fixed Other messages spacing.
Fixed and improved StartupControl.
Fixed ServerAdds colors.

Added back a tiny delay at game end.
Fixed scull brightness display.
Added bEnableStartControl and will disable Nexgen's.
Added ready signal if bEnableStartControl=True.
Added temp ChatDelayTime in Admin menu.
Removed manual config emoji sizing.
Added auto emoji sizing to font size.
Added Emoji Trim to menu.

Removed any delay at game end.

Fixed multi spectator messages in console.

Made further adjustments for end game messages.

Removed all anti-spam except for message repeat.
Chat timing now same as utchat18

Worked on spamming issues.
Removed all private messages.
Fixed Other Line setting.
Fixed saving admin options.
Fixed chatlog duplicate messages.
Added a Disable Spam Control option.

Slight adjustment to chat box shading.
Fixed Skeleton icon appearing.
Lower chat text by 2 pixels.
Scaled Chat text in chatbox.
Added Admin Spam Control.
Moved ChatDuration to server admin.
Moved OtherDuration to server admin.
Added NoRepeatrMesg option.
Added Menu resizing etc (tnx buggie)
Added option to shorten chatbox.
Added player name in team color in chat and private log.
Replace bNoRepeatMesg with variable ChatRepeatDelay.

Fixed other mods shading in postRenderHUD.
Re-aligned all chat box shading.

Added UTChatReplacement for swearing.

v22a to d
Removed :? help if emojis disabled.
Fixed !char when emojis disabled.
Added hide Emoji Sizing if emojis disabled.
Fixed frag count displaying at start.
Remove NextHUDMutator from Team Hud.
Added more Admin options in Menu.
Added serverside std dm player color.
Added serverside use chat emojis.
Added serverside use chat emojis face.
Added serverside use private msgs.
Added client options not visible if admin disable.
Set emoji default size to 7, was 6.
Increased Menu height from 300 to 360 pixels.
Reduced Main chat area to possible 2 lines.
Reduced Other chat to possible 0 lines.
Added ChatDuration to client.
Added OtherDuration to client.
Added variable FontSize for client.
Fixed Chat and other text colors.
Fixed frag counter not flashing.
Added optional LogonMessageLine1 and 2.
LogonMessageLine1=">>> UTChat Installed <<<"
LogonMessageLine2=">>> Type !Chat for Chat Window <<<"

Fixed Menu not displaying.

Spectyator chats now also get logged.

Adjust logo to switch off at game start.
Fixed several clientside accessed nones.
Added UTChatActor as server actor.
Set bSmallFonts as True by default.

Fixed several access nones.
Added Admin message to Players.

Removed GUI scaling.

Added auto scaling to menus.
Fixed 436/451 GPF crashes.

Fixed black text color at startup.

Added * prefix to player in menu if muted.


The ServerAddsSymbol= is the first 1, 2 or 3 symbol characters you need to add infront of your serveradds.
For instance all lines need to be something like -=< This is the line >=-
Now you would have ServerAddsSymbol="-="
This is so the code can recognize a ServerAdds message & Change the Color of the ServerAdds to your Custom Color.

Added private messaging window.
Private message 100 save option.
Removed configs from chat windows.
Added Config Tab for all configs.
Fixed !Cmds not being passed.
Added 8 new banner emojis.
Adjust emoji position to size.
Added Admin options to disable emojis.
Added Admin options to disable private messages.
Fixed other lines text length.
Added help labels in Configs.
Added banner names to display.
Re-aligned logon logo.
Removed banners and emojis if bNoEmoticons.

Emojis no longer case sensitive.
Add DM/LMS Player single color option.
Reduced Smallfont vertical emoji size.
Spaced lines for better emoji display.
Added option for number of chat lines.
Added option for number of other lines.
Added logo image with option.
Added Transparent option.
Added Chatlog Keybind.
Added UTBots compatibility option.
Fixed Spectator using !chat.

Small improvements on utchats disable.
Added several new emojis.
Set SmallFonts as default.
Fixed Spectator message double names.
Added Spectator message text always silver.
Added logon intro.

Fixed original hud for newnet and nexgen.
Reduced chatbox border thickness.
Added enable client emojis in menu.
Added use client smaller fonts in menu.
Added client chatlog save in menu.
Added enable client chat in menu.
Added spectator mutate for menu.
Filtered IP Addresses
you can preset certain players Names or IP Address subclasses to display their real flags in UTChat && SmartScoreBoard by adjusting the following values within UnrealTournament.ini.

Code: Select all

IpAdds[2]=(Name="",SSBID="",IpAdd="151.210",Flag="NZ",country="New Zealand")
IpAdds[3]=(Name="",SSBID="",IpAdd="179.61.240",Flag="NZ",country="New Zealand")
IpAdds[4]=(Name="no0ne.",SSBID="",IpAdd="",Flag="NZ",country="New Zealand")
Any players connecting from 186.189.x.x for example will be assigned the Chile Flag.
note you can also do by Name.. see Line 5 for example.
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Last edited by Que on Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:04 pm, edited 64 times in total.
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Re: ★ UTChat 11 ★

Post by asosed »

The first thing I noticed after testing.
1. Chat kills HUD NewNet (timer and anti-gravity boots)
2. Can you make it so that can highlight and copy (Ctrl-C) messages from the chat window?
3. Can you make the emoji's always appear, regardless of the end of the sentence and so that they can be turned off (bemoji=True/False)?
4. Can you make links clickable in the chat window?
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Re: ★ UTChat 11 ★

Post by ProAsm »

Hi asosed, well in answer to your questions.
1. Has been fixed.
2. A HUD does not recognize keystrokes etc so I added a save option in the menu so you can save the whole of the chatlog on your pc.
4. I will look into this but I doubt it.
3. This can be done but would be very time consuming as the code would have to check every character in a message instead of just the last 2.
Also the placing of the image midstream would be difficult because when the lines scroll up, it would be difficult to see where these inline images need to go.
Currently we'll skip this but I will fiddle with it and see if I can find a shortcut somewhere :)
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Re: ★ UTChat 15 ★ [updated 26/02/2021]

Post by Que »


Code: Select all

Fixed black text color at startup.

Added * prefix to player  in menu if muted.


The ServerAddsSymbol= is the first 1, 2 or 3 symbol characters you need to add infront of your serveradds.
For instance all lines need to be something like -=< This is the line >=-
Now you would have ServerAddsSymbol="-="
This is so the code can recognize a ServerAdds message  & Change the Color of the ServerAdds to your Custom Color.

Code: Select all

Fixed possible local GPF crashes.
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Re: ★ UTChat 17b ★ [updated 06/06/2021]

Post by Que »


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Removed GUI scaling.

Added auto scaling to menus.
Fixed 436/451 GPF crashes.
NOTE: earlier versions of this mod may cause users running 436/451 D3DDrv Renderer to Crash.
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by Que »

//minor update//

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Fixed several access nones.
Added Admin message to Players.
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by esnesi »

I've set UTChat as an ServerActor recently instead of a mutator in my 63 gametype configs.
All works fine, but i noticed on gametypes where i run SmartSB, UTChat gets replaced by it.
This results into the normal chathud in game, although !chat menu can be loaded.

Could there something be done about this you think ?
When i run this as extra mutator, the HUD is replaced correctly, only its loaded 2 times cause of the actor ofcourse.
If it's better to run as Mutator only i'll just reverse to that.

Code: Select all

HudType = SmartSB102s.SmartSBHudTeam | OldHud = UTChat17c.UTChatHudTM | ScoreBoard = SmartSB102s.SmartSBScoreBoard | MaxPlayers = 32 | ServerInfo = SmartSB102s.SmartSBServerInfo
UTChat: OriginalHUDClass = CTF4.CTF4HUD | Current HUD = UTChat17c.UTChatHudTM | ServerInfo = Botpack.ServerInfoTeam | bShowChatMessages = True

HudType = SmartSB102s.SmartSBHudTeam | OldHud = UTChat17c.UTChatHudTM | ScoreBoard = SmartSB102s.SmartSBScoreBoard | MaxPlayers = 32 | ServerInfo = SmartSB102s.SmartSBServerInfo
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by ProAsm »

Oops, sorry for the late reply but been a bit busy with 102t which has a massive update :)
I found running as a Mutator works best and I too have found strange things happen with UTChat.
However, I found it depends a lot in where you load UTChat.
I run my test server as follows.
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by esnesi »

ProAsm wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:37 am Oops, sorry for the late reply but been a bit busy with 102t which has a massive update :)
I found running as a Mutator works best and I too have found strange things happen with UTChat.
However, I found it depends a lot in where you load UTChat.
I run my test server as follows.
Yeah, i also got it at the end of the mutatorstring.
No issues when it's there, but indeed only when it's ran as ServerActor on a gametype where SmartSB is active.
The result is that the HUD ain't visible, but UTChat is active when running !chat.
Somehow only when it's set as actor it's getting replaced by SmartSB. (Actor is also set as last)
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by ProAsm »

The result is that the HUD ain't visible, but UTChat is active when running !chat.
Somehow only when it's set as actor it's getting replaced by SmartSB. (Actor is also set as last)
In UTChat18 I have added a ServerActor class which seems to have solved your problem.

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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by esnesi »

ProAsm wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:53 pm
The result is that the HUD ain't visible, but UTChat is active when running !chat.
Somehow only when it's set as actor it's getting replaced by SmartSB. (Actor is also set as last)
In UTChat18 I have added a ServerActor class which seems to have solved your problem.

Great news, thanks in advance.
If it won't bother you;

Would it be possible to have these variables set server-sided as well?;

(Or maybe all the variables on the config window)
Motivation for the request is that my preference would be no emoticons disabled, with smallfonts by default.
Experience learns it's the first thing players do, personally not a fan of them, but that's personal ofcourse :)
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by Que »

esnesi wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:45 pm
Personal?. Open UTChat and disable them by saying !chat
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by esnesi »

Que wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 1:56 am
esnesi wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:45 pm
Personal?. Open UTChat and disable them by saying !chat
esnesi wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:45 pm Would it be possible to have these variables set server-sided as well?;
Server-sided is the request > simplified > Meaning the ability to set them true/false by default for all players.
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by ProAsm »

Server-sided is the request > simplified > Meaning the ability to set them true/false by default for all players.
This could be a problem as most the settings are clientside as the options are personal.
If I make the options serverside then I must remove them from the client.
Surely its the players choice what he wants to see and not the admin to tell him what to do.
Currently bNoEmoticons are serverside and I have made the bSmallFonts=True as default.
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Re: ★ UTChat 17c ★ [updated 30/06/2021]

Post by esnesi »

ProAsm wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:41 pm
Server-sided is the request > simplified > Meaning the ability to set them true/false by default for all players.
This could be a problem as most the settings are clientside as the options are personal.
If I make the options serverside then I must remove them from the client.
Surely its the players choice what he wants to see and not the admin to tell him what to do.
Currently bNoEmoticons are serverside and I have made the bSmallFonts=True as default.
Ah i see, that's unfortunate.
If it's not possible to keep client- and serversided, the player should keep their freedom of setting it by them selfs indeed.
Experience learned that alot of players asked to change to smallfonts, and disable the emoticons.
My thinking was to prevent this, by changing the default values.