-= What about a new mapping contest? =-

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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by Gustavo6046 »

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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by FraGnBraG »

Krull0r wrote:I have an idea for a mapping contest theme.

What's about when all mappers are only allowed to use some pre selected textures to create their maps.

This will generate a map pack which uses exactly the same texture theme but the outcome can be very very different depending on how the mappers use the textures.
First of all, hiya ut99 folks :) been a long while since i visited here! I was checking in and noticed this contest idea thread... Made me think of the mapping contests from long ago at Unreal Playground that used custom themes, kinda like what Krullor suggests.

There was a "12 hour" CTF contest i recall that used a "dock yard" theme (TO-Rig2_4UP.utx). Mappers still used other textures in addition to this file, as required. iirc, this was a timed contest - 12 hours only. The admins/judges did not reveal the theme or POST the UTX file until contest start time. So mappers had no idea about the theme before starting, which made it more of a challenge! Not suggesting ut99 would do exactly the same thing but it's something to think about :)

For anyone interested in that UP 12 hour contest results (see what they did with contest textures):
UPContest - 200208 UT UP 12 hour.zip
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by EvilGrins »

Personally, I think the Mapping Contest should be CTF and ABSOLUTELY HAve to involve UTDMT...
...but that may just be me.

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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by sektor2111 »

How about doing another UTDMT bug free, able to kill each-other using ROCKS instead of killing server because this package it's a full mess...
Or perhaps you have lost latest posts with admins presenting their issues and I think they don't need new issues. If you are loving this UTDMT do it, and host games with it by yourself - figure what's the deal. It's what I did, but using ANOTHER rewritten version.
But that might be just me... or we can have another trashing contest used to be called mapping.

Alright, keep going I wanna see what any other "support" will offer to UT these contests with rules that can be taken different in account...
In 12 hours if a mapper will make a good bug-free map I'll eat all my computers :lol2: - in the past some people were able to do good jobs not like in now days. I already could see that 24 hours mapping contest - I really cannot see what I might use from there. At least Bot Pathing was rushed, geometry with corruptions - it was like a junk-creating contest. Are you serious here? Is the weather fine or was warming up the brain ? In 12 hours you might want a copy-paste (causing duplicated craps) from various stock/non-stock maps and rushing Bot Support filling UT with UNR files, I repeat UNR files, not maps. Or bad maps will need a valid excuse for being so rammed and for being accepted... Huh ?
Last edited by sektor2111 on Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by editor Dave »

The Ultra Speedmaps in the UnrealSp mapping contests produced some fairly interesting results, so I wouldn't toss the idea aside! A more moderate time frame like one week or so could also be considered. Of course, the maps may seem rushed in one way or another, but it's also possible to polish them afterwards. It could even be a multi-phase mapping contest with different time frames and unique votes. For example:

Phase 1 - one/two week/s: Floorplan and Botpathing
Phase 2 - two weeks: Voting, Feedback and adjustments to the floorplan
Phase 3 - three weeks: decorations
Phase 4 - two weeks: Voting, Feedback and final adjustments

.... debatable. :mrgreen:
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by XaNKoNII »

editor Dave wrote:The Ultra Speedmaps in the UnrealSp mapping contests produced some fairly interesting results, so I wouldn't toss the idea aside! A more moderate time frame like one week or so could also be considered. Of course, the maps may seem rushed in one way or another, but it's also possible to polish them afterwards. It could even be a multi-phase mapping contest with different time frames and unique votes. For example:

Phase 1 - one/two week/s: Floorplan and Botpathing
Phase 2 - two weeks: Voting, Feedback and adjustments to the floorplan
Phase 3 - three weeks: decorations
Phase 4 - two weeks: Voting, Feedback and final adjustments

.... debatable. :mrgreen:
I 100% support this, its a good schedule and work discipline :D
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by Metalfist »

Dragon theme anyone? :mrgreen:
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by Feralidragon »

Depending on what the rules end up being and such, this may give me an excuse to actually finish the map I didn't finish for the last contest.

Just a suggestion though: keep it simple, and as unrestrained as possible.
We already tried limitations, themes and whatnot, and it ended up in a clusterfuck every single time.

It wasn't until it was a free for all, with barely any restrictions at all, that we had a good contest here (the last one).
Keep this in mind (it it's not broken, do not fix it).
Metalfist wrote:Dragon theme anyone? :mrgreen:
Being a fan of dragons and stuff myself (if it wasn't obvious), I find that to be particularly challenging for most folks here (myself included), and even more challenging for the engine to handle.
Some may even "cheat" a little by importing the dragon meshes from another game (not exactly cheating, but dragon meshes certainly give another look to a map if used decently).
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by Metalfist »

Feralidragon wrote:Being a fan of dragons and stuff myself (if it wasn't obvious), I find that to be particularly challenging for most folks here (myself included), and even more challenging for the engine to handle.
Some may even "cheat" a little by importing the dragon meshes from another game (not exactly cheating, but dragon meshes certainly give another look to a map if used decently).
Well, we have the Unreal beta dragon that can be used. I don't think dragon meshes from another game will give some real problems? It just needs to be an awesome map, which ppl want to play. Besides less restrictions is more room for creativity right? :wink:
Here are some random dragon themed environment/level ideas (feel free to use these): environments where a dragon lives or lived (volcano/caves/ice/hoarding place for gold), fragging on a flying dragon (bsp in the form of a dragon), dragon nests with bones or even special elemental dragons, fantasy dragon temples with crystals, Asian dragon temples, rock formations in the form of a claw or dragon mouth or some dragon ideas from Game Of Thrones, Skyrim, The Hobbit, How to train your dragon etc etc. Anything that could be dragon related is valid :mrgreen: .

An example map is CTF-FacingDragons

and FraGnBraG's MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by FraGnBraG »

Metalfist wrote:
Feralidragon wrote: ... dragons ...
I'd be on board with that! How about any kind of map, something to do with dragon of some sort in the theme - could have meshes or images/artwork, etc.
Could be themed like GoT, SkyRim or DA or other ... or hey --> alien space dragons! Maybe even cartoon like theme with dragon anime theme styling...?

Lots of ideas come to mind... I did make that big dragon head in TOD, which is BSP because you have to enter the mouth - It took a long while to get all the homs out of that thing!!! But it can be done with a bit of effort...

I would suggest we make "small" maps this time - like 2-4 player DM, or 6-10 ctf etc... simply because theorectically would be faster/easier to make them without bugs, and better gameplay focus. Also a lesson from the "Revelation" book of mappage -> small footprint = fast gameplay + (usually) better bots play + more brushes available for details + easier lighting (lower radii etc) + FX!

Possibly easier to debug as well, but hey...!

Paper could do a nice anime dragon logo!

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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by papercoffee »

I say, the best contests where the ones who had size or space limits*.
People got creative in what could they stuff into such a limitation and still make an awesome map.
The real drama started when we had the anything goes contests...
Chaos and Awesome where just too vague for a theme and everyone interpreted them differently... and some contemporaries got agitated about the fact, that you could "cheat" the contest and use an unfinished map as an entry.

The last two contests where the initial reason why I never wanted to make another contest ever again.
But I feel the urge for another one lies in the air, and that's why ask if you (the community) want one.

*... or clear themes.
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by EvilGrins »

Okay, he may have a point...
sektor2111 wrote:How about doing another UTDMT bug free, able to kill each-other using ROCKS instead of killing server because this package it's a full mess...
So I propose a mapping contest using the UTDMW...
...which not only can kill each other with their projectiles, but you can change what they fire at each other!
Metalfist wrote:Dragon theme anyone? :mrgreen:
Did somebody say dragons?!?
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by Red_Fist »

Well the only thing I can enter would be my MH-TeraMaze map I am converting to a DM.

It's another idea for DM gameplay, and I am changing the map around and is a lot of work to change it, BSP. , it's big, but it has an objective for a different gameplay. It might be good, or suck really bad LoL

It has my textures in it (for numbers not walls) and a few other nonstock things. Either way I will upload it on it's own or for the pack.
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Had a thought yesterday, how about incorporating a cake in a map? Since UT is turning 20, I say a good cake is needed for the occasion. It could be something like a decoration, it could be the map itself! :tongue:
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Re: -= What about a new mapping contest? =-

Post by Metalfist »

UnrealGGecko wrote:Had a thought yesterday, how about incorporating a cake in a map? Since UT is turning 20, I say a good cake is needed for the occasion. It could be something like a decoration, it could be the map itself! :tongue:
Dragon cake! :mrgreen: