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Post by Buggie »

Rework for CTF with X-Vehicles this map:
https://unrealarchive.org/maps/unreal-t ... a5b59.html

This map need XVehicles at least v41 for load:
(3.36 MiB) Downloaded 46 times
Old madness with overpowered tanks:
(3.31 MiB) Downloaded 39 times
Last edited by Buggie on Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:36 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by OjitroC »

Great fun with tanks in this map - is it my imagination or do the tanks take more damage/have weaker armour than in MH?
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »

Not imagination. There no MH improvement, so Jeeps shoot weaker, and all vehicles almost no armor and receive 100% damage, except some cases.
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »


- add fix gun instead of pulse gun on middle of the map.
- add ambient sounds.
- add grass.
- remake skybox for Halo match.
- add some lights.
- rework teleports for Halo match.

Updated (screenshots too) at first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15042
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by OjitroC »

Changes to the map are good - make it somewhat different to the original - ambient sounds are good as well, and add to the atmosphere of the 'place'.

The only thing is I think some glitches have been introduced - at least I don't remember them in the previous version (though I could be wrong of course) :

This is in the sky on the extreme right of the shot - it's peripheral and disappears when looked at directly (i think there are others elsewhere but they are difficult to capture, perhaps they are not that important)

Sliding textures - to the right of the Blue base when viewed from behind it - this glitch is more readily noticed and extends to the sand area moving as well sometimes
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »

It is very minor issues. Map consis from one brush. So almost uneditable. I just do something or rebuild with different settings and prey for this build be less bugs from previous.
For example, when stood on red base roof it disappear.

There exists a lot invisible obstacles which stop tank. Sometimes even player collide with it. But in general map in playable state.

Skybox I will fix later. (If you see clouds disappear - this bug).
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »


- Add marks on each base for distinguish it more easily.
- Change respawn places.
- Swap GK-1 and Kraht.
- Adjust vehicles location.
- Setup AlternatePaths for make more random in bot play.
- Learn bot not use teleport way, when inside vehicle.
- Fix some paths.
- Improved design of teleport destionations.
- Increased cloud sphere size.

Updated at first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15042
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »


- Better planet textures.
- Better paths between bases.
- Added XVehiclesCTF mutator on map - Now require XVehicles at least v6!

Updated at first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15042
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by sektor2111 »

Buggie wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:54 am - Better paths between bases.

Code: Select all

DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath4!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath4!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath0!
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 2 times.
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath4!
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 2 times.
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath0!
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 2 times.
1581_IsOverload.PNG (7.51 KiB) Viewed 982 times

Code: Select all

XC_Counter: Total ReachSpecs found = 29884
Not even XC stuff cannot manage these well. I see nodes in map entirely without purpose as they are hard to reach and without incoming connections.

Perhaps 436 stock players can see what kind of navigation is here...

Code: Select all

DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase1!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath1!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase1!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from PathNode108!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from InventorySpot672!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from PathNode7692!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from InventorySpot672!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from AlternatePath5!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase0!
DevPath: 1000 navigation nodes searched from FlagBase1!
And here it needs a note, this map is only for UT 469b and above, 436 doesn't include a lot of activity.
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »


- Better paths.
- Now require XVehicles at least v11!

Updated at first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15042
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by f7r »

Such nostalgia, especially because of Website Down
Sometimes the vehicles begin kind of to shiver or flicker. Both from the outside and inside until it respawn.
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »


- Add heli on each base.
- Now require XVehicles at least v13!

Updated at first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15042
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by EvilGrins »

By the by, there's something off about the doors of the 2 bases. Noticed as I was running for my life, but if you don't run straight out of them you tend to get hung up on the sides.
Last edited by EvilGrins on Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Buggie »

Yes, there few invisible collisions / bsp bugs on exit from some bases. Not sure if can be fixed - entire map is single semi-solid almost uneditable brush.

Automatically merged

Wow. Suddenly discover original map topic: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2869
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Re: CTF-XV-BloodGulch

Post by Gustavo6046 »

If you right-click a vertex in the brush (iirc it turns it into a pivot), you can hold down Alt to move it in a 2D viewport, without changing to Vertex Edit Mode :)

Note: I remember that making a vertex into a pivot can auto-snap it to a grid size. Make sure to disable snapping before right-clicking to select a vertex, then re-enabling it before moving said vertex. Although usually it's better to simply have them already aligned to the grid beforehand :)
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