CTF-[R3P]-W007-III Fail.

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Re: CTF-[R3P]-W007-III Fail.

Post by Red_Fist »

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Re: CTF-[R3P]-W007-III Fail.

Post by Red_Fist »


So here is the map that needs to be repathed, and bases rebuilt, I also removed sounds from brushes and other actors, things that rarely use sound with.
I also pasted the map into a new map, so the level properties also need to be redone.

I also lowered the delay time on those teleporters , so re check that, for bot path tests.

Get rid of this stuff in this order.

The Moons
The mesh spawners
The particle spawners.
Remake bases and reduce zones,
Reduce size of the outside walls. waaaaay to big.

I do believe if the non solid brushes in the bases were not portals most zones would go away, but i say they need some remaking as well

The graphics are hardly worth it.
The arrows are nice, but I can hardly even see the partical spawners by the jump pads.
The problem is, if those partical spawners were in a hallway or one at a time, But what they do here is you see almost everyone at once in the map view as you play, not worth it .

Maps like this are invented for a fast game play (woot)

Those moons are the first problem, all those moons have built in code to rotate but I didn't even know they looked like anything until I found them in the editor.
TEST MAP ONLY !!!!!! now fix it up.
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Re: CTF-[R3P]-W007-III Fail.

Post by Red_Fist »

No replies. no care no nothing. no feedback WTF
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Re: CTF-[R3P]-W007-III Fail.

Post by sektor2111 »

Wait, man... I was busy with other maps recent days (and I still need time for other 60+ to solve). I'll look at it right now...

Edit: Back...
No, I cannot play it this way, it does ugly render lags... To me it doesn't even worth to check paths, good luck with such things in servers, I think players will leave or voting other maps...
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Re: CTF-[R3P]-W007-III Fail.

Post by Red_Fist »

Hmm, almost every angle was about 72 FPS on that test map, I have it capped at 75hz

The original FPS was down to 43, and had a constant weird changing FPS at about 52FPS all the time, and almost always 66fps looking from center platform as team flag, now it stays 72, accept when you come through the teleporter, stagger, then fast.

Well I just figure someone would finish this, i don't even play CTF, but was fun testing it. Thanks Sekktor, I hope someone finishes it.
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Re: CTF-[R3P]-W007-III Fail.

Post by sektor2111 »

I play CTF when I don't play... other...
The thing is that I'm not away from Woot maps, they are somehow nice but... others are running perfect...
CTF-Mystical_Woot (name is different because I had to fix it) is closer to this one somehow (except mid area) as prototype, but simple and working smoother.
Related to said W007, in 469c rendering works faster/better... but I'm still getting low FPS... I'm using things around game that are taking some resources and then... when render is also intensive I cannot even aim properly.
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