Bit late to the party, but I'll leave this here in case anyone finds it useful...
As I understand it, if the server switches to a map that the client lacks, the client can download it. Where from? There's two methods:
- from the gaming server, using the standard UChannel - the same port for the game. This is the UT server saying: you need this file. You not got it? Here it is.
- from a second location, bypassing the server entirely - this is the point of the REDIRECT. This is the the UT server saying: you need this file. You not got it? Go and get it from *here*
The first part is the simplest: in the config file, just flick over:
Code: Select all
However, download speeds are limited by how fast the UChannel can give and also the "ConfiguredInternetSpeeds" setting in the client. Hosting the assets (not just maps, but required textures, sounds, meshes, system files, etc) on a different server entirely - the REDIRECT - means that content provided upon demand is delegated away from the UT Server.
So for the second: setup some sharing server - HTTP, FTP, etc - and ensure that you can visit the URL in a browser first. Then specify the URL to that server in the next section:
Code: Select all
(as others have stated, can use the
:port notation if it's not running on port 80)
Points to note here:
- Recommend to use an HTTP location rather than FTP
- Don't use HTTPS - it works, but the speed is lousy due to the additional encryption overhead
- Don't use some directory structure on the filestore: the client simply bangs that URL in then appends "newmap.unr" or "neededTexture.utx" as a filename.
If you compress files on the redirect, add
UseCompression=True to the [IpDrv.HTTPDownload] section. That tells the client to look for "" instead.
AllowDownloads=False in the [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] section does NOT affect the redirect - it simply prevents the UT server itself from offering the asset locally if not found on the redirect. It's a nice fall-back, but ideally shouldn't be used.
Proxy lines are intended for LAN play and to instruct the client how to connect to the remote redirect server. If you're not using a proxy at all (e.g.: gaming at home) or your PC is already setup with proxy settings, you can safely ignore those lines.
More information on a guide here: ... ad-speeds/
Final note: I would really recommend anyone setting up a redirect server and setting their UT server to use the redirect to properly test their setup - check the logfiles on the redirect server to see what file is being request by the client.