Noob trying to set up a rented server.

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Azonic DS1
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Re: Noob trying to set up a rented server.

Post by Azonic DS1 »

I had a look at MapVoteX106r. It looks like exactly what we need.

Make sure that DM-Tutorial.unr is in /Maps folder. --- DM-Tutorial.unr is not in my server maps folder how do I fix this?

Point your Server Start Script to load MapVoteX<version>.MapVoteX with the Map = DM-tutorial like so; ----- Is the script written in the same place as I did before or somewhere else?

Once the game started can players join and force bots out?
Is that something that UT does automatically or do I have to tinker and script it in somewhere?
From my script, I can see bots and players mentioned in a few different sections. Can someone help me decipher them?

[URL] in this section
Name=Player --- what is this for? Is it relevant for dedicated servers? Should I take the line out?
Class=Botpack.TMale1 --- what does TMale1 mean? Are there alternative options as standard?
MinPlayers=10 --- Is this total that should be in the game? so human players and bots should equal 10.
InitialBots=6 --- I assume this is how many bots are already in the game and do not need to join (enter) at the very start of a game.

[Botpack.TeamGamePlus] I was thinking that the team level is added to the [Botpack.DeathMatchPlus] parameters. Am I right?

[Botpack.DeathMatchPlus] in this section
Is this different from the bit in the [URL] section?

Sorry again for being such an absolute Noob. My very existing basic programming skills died 15 years ago after I started work in non-IT-related sectors.
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Re: Noob trying to set up a rented server.

Post by Que »

I had a look at MapVoteX106r. It looks like exactly what we need.

Make sure that DM-Tutorial.unr is in /Maps folder. --- DM-Tutorial.unr is not in my server maps folder how do I fix this?
The DM-Tutorial map is attached to the bottom of the MVX post.
Download DM-Tutorial here
Upload to your servers Maps folder.

Also remember to add MVX to your UT.ini under

Code: Select all

Make sure that you upload MapVoteX106r.u & to your servers "System" folder.
Point your Server Start Script to load MapVoteX106r.MapVoteX with the Map = DM-tutorial like so; ----- Is the script written in the same place as I did before or somewhere else?
What is your current Servers Startup line? This setting could be in your Gaming deluxe menu for server start... Post the contents of that here.
This is the line where you set DM-Deck16][ as your start map see below for example of how it should look with MVX;

Code: Select all

DM-tutorial?Game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus?Mutator=MapVoteX106r.MapVoteX -lanplay
Basically you will edit it to look something like this^
now that you are using files not installed on the old ut-files redirect server perhaps you want to edit the following setting in your UT.ini to point to our redirect.

Code: Select all

otherwise hoping that -lanplay is a valid parameter in your server start script which will alleviate the need to do this.
in short any new files uploaded to your server need to be compressed and uploaded to the redirect server as well.
this is the general practice.

if the -lanplay parameter works on your host then there is no need to compress unknown files (not found on redirect) as they will be sent quickly to clients direct from your gameserver.

For bots I find 3-4 is usually best. Later on if you manage to get MapVote to work.. all you'll need to do is set DefaultSettings="MinPlayers=4,TimeLimit=10,FragLimit=0" in your MapVoteX.ini, then as players join bots leave, It sets the Game TimeLimit to 10 minutes and also the FragLimit to none.
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Azonic DS1
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Re: Noob trying to set up a rented server.

Post by Azonic DS1 »

I followed the instructions but it's bugging out and keeps crashing. I think I did something wrong.

I put the tutorial map in the map folder
I put the other 2 files mentioned, in the server folder.

RedirectToURL= --- I don't know what this giiblets thing is? Ignored this.
UseCompression=True --- This was already set to true

ServerPackages=MapVoteX106r this line added to GameEngine section

Then I added a new command line, changing only deathmatch to team game from the example given. like this.
DM-tutorial?Game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?Mutator=MapVoteX106r.MapVoteX -lanplay

I had seen the vote icon at the start of the game and at the end saw the vote options however game kept crashing sometimes in-game and sometimes loading the second map.

I've kept the files in the folders and will try again in a few days. I've reverted back to my working settings for now.

I need 2 servers for this, one to play the working masterpiece and one to keep tweaking and accidentally breaking.
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Re: Noob trying to set up a rented server.

Post by Que »

Hmm this could be because mvx is geared more towards 469.

At least it worked so you setup correctly.

Time to move onto a different MapVote. Hmm.
They get more complicated let's find an old original.
Download this: MapvoteLA13

Download that read the readme and see if you can work it out. I've added below some things to help with the install for example the Mutator and server start line ... :tu:

Use this as your server start line;

Code: Select all

DM-Deck16][?Game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?Mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote -lanplay
Be sure to upload the files from the System folder to your servers "System Folder".

Remove MapVoteX106r from [Engine.GameEngine]
And add;

Code: Select all

Set a keybind to open the MapVote.

In UT console type ;

Code: Select all

Set input m mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
This means that when you press the "m" key the MapVote will open.

Restart Server and let's see if this one's a winner 🏆
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