Node UTStats 2 Version 2.13.1

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Re: Node UTStats 2 Public Beta

Post by Piter »

esnesi wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:30 am
Piter wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:41 am Simple script to start/restart Node UTStats 2 on your Linux machine.

Code: Select all

echo Killing all existing screens...

screen -X -S website quit
sleep 2
screen -X -S importer quit

echo Loading Website screen...
cd /full/patch/to/your/node-utstats-2 # for example - /home/unrealstats2/node-utstats-2
screen -S website -d -m bash -c  "npm run start"
sleep 2
echo Loading Importer screen...
screen -S importer -d -m bash -c  "node importer"
echo All done.
After start, you can simply access website and importer console by typing

screen -r importer
screen -r website

CTRL+A D disconnects console being called by screen command.
Ah nice, i'll take a look when i got some time.
Atm iam using PM2 for this.
you did not help anything :D
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Public Beta

Post by esnesi »

Piter wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:25 pm you did not help anything :D
I sincerely apologize Piter! :D
Quite busy testing alot of things, i do hope to get back on you still but can't promise as PM2 does its thing for me.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Public Beta

Post by Piter »

@UT Sniper: please, publish changelog. because maybe many people would like to install utstats2, but they don't know what to expect:]
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Public Beta

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Ok will start doing releases since many of the original bugs have been fixed.

Build v2.0.0: ... tag/v2.0.0

Change Log
**** Build v2.0.0 16/10/21
- Changed map screenshots system.
- Added new admin tools for uploading map screenshots.
- Many bug fixes(been lazy and haven't kept track, but will keep track from now on)

Build v2.0.1: ... tag/v2.0.1

Change Log
**** Build v2.0.1 17/10/21
- Fixed upgrade script not adding new columns, if there is another node utstats 2 database that has been upgraded.
- Fixed weaponsManager is undefined error.
- Fixed CTF4 Errors while inserting ctf cap data(May result in some data being missing such as caps).
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.1.0

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Build v2.1.0: ... tag/v2.1.0

Change Log
**** Build v2.1.0 20/10/21
- IMPORTANT! You now have to run another service when you run the website, you now have to also run **node images** to create a tiny webserver to host the sites images.
- Fixed broken images of newly uploaded files(see below).
- Images are now fetched from a seperate file server on port 3001, this is because if you uploaded images in production mode the site wouldn't be able to use them until you rebuild the website.
- Update thumbs list on each file creation(Create Missing Thumbnails).
- Updated packages so Jimp is now included.
- Removed screenshot download buttons, you can still right click download images.
- Country flag components now display the name of the country while being hovered over.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.1.0

Post by NemesisNeS »

Thanks mate, seems to be running flawlessy with me. Will report any bugs I catch on your repository.
Feeling the urge to kill people who put up links with advertisements....
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.1.0

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Thanks, I'm currently rewriting the ctf importer to add support for multi ctf/ctf4, there are new pages/features for the next build (example of ctf cap records you can also see the new flag cap timings on matches, and maps pages on the same site.

Next build will also be running Next.js 12 which comes with significant performance gains.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.2.0

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

This build adds support for CTF4, in addition to record tracking for solo and assisted cap times for capture the flag games, these are displayed on the records page, match pages, player pages, and map pages.

Recommend a fresh install as some data in tables will be missing unless logs are reimported.
If you don't want to do a fresh install you must run the command node upgrade to update database tables.

Latest Build:

Build v2.2.0: ... tag/v2.2.0

Player Page Cap Records:
Map Page Assisted Cap Records:
Map Page Solo Cap Records:
Match Cap Records:

Change Log
**** Build v2.2.0 04/01/22
- Upgraded to Next.js 12.
** New Feature
-- CTF cap records(on records page), view cap records for all maps(solo, and assisted), view all caps for each map(solo, and assisted).
- Added support for CTF4.
- Fixed caps, assist from CTF4 not counting multiple drops/caps.
- Fixed 0 second cap times(CTF4).
- Added columns(flag_team, total_Drops, total_covers, total_self_covers, total_pickups, total_unique_assists,total_seals, time_Dropped, carry_time) to ctf_caps table
- Added fastest ctf caps to match pages.
- Added fastest ctf caps to maps pages.
- Added CTF cap records to player pages.
- Fixed broken flag links on player aliases component.
- Fixed Image host urls being broken if no port is found in link.
- Fixed broken matchbox map images.
- Added option to use default image server, or alternative. (bUseImageServer)
- Fixed crash on map pages
- Fixed error in players API(forgot to remove resolve())
- Changed useImageServer to false for default settings.
- Fixed ACE importer crash.
- Changed match CTF caps display, now has two modes, simple and detailed.
- Fixed Importer getting stuck if a regular expression doesn't find any matches.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.2.0

Post by Ubir4 »

Thank's alot.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.3.0

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Match report power ups, and inventory bar charts.

Build v2.3.0 ... tag/v2.3.0

NOTE: Upgrading from version v2.2.0, You must run the command **node upgrade** to install updates.
- Changed design of player general component.
- Fixed player face on player page.
- Fixed player face for opengraph links.
- Changed match, power up, health/Armour, weapons, and ammo to bar charts.

- Added options for the new item pickup categories to admin area.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.3.1

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Build v2.3.1: ... tag/v2.3.1

Change Log
**** Build v2.3.1
- Fixed duplicate props error when trying to build a production build.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.4.0

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Latest Build:

Build v2.4.0: ... tag/v2.4.0


Change Log
**** Build v 2.4.0
- NOTE: You must use "node upgrade" after updating from an earlier.
- Run the command "node defaultpageorder" in a terminal in the main node utstats folder (where config.json is) this will apply needed page order data(updating from an earlier).
- Updated the admin site settings tool.
- Admins can now change the order of items displayed on some pages.
- Admins can now change the order of the navigation items.
- New admin tool that deletes failed import matches.
- Admin tool delete duplicate matches now deletes logs with match_id of 0.
- Fixed errors on import for FlagDomination.
- Fixed logs with match_id 0 not being deleted.
- Added missing settings for player and match pages.
- Fixed two bugs with ctf.insertCaps(), time dropped is not always NaN, insertCap is now ran correctly
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.5.0

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

New tools have been added to the admin area, you can now search a players history and or an IPs history.

New build available ... tag/v2.5.0

**** Build v 2.5.0
- NOTICE: You must use the command "npm install" if you are upgrading from a previous build.
- Updated Admin Player Rename.
- Updated Admin Player Delete.
- Updated Admin Player Merge.
- Fixed player CTF stats being blank.
- Fixed player Assault/Domination stats being blank.
- Fixed powerup control children must have unique key warning.
- Fixed ctfcaps records page error.
- Added the Sharp package(will fix slow loading images).
- Added admin player name search.
- Added admin player IP search.
- Added admin player IP histroy.
- Added admin player history(displays all aliases, used ips, connection history).
- No longer display BasicPageSelect if there is only 1 page.
- Fixed build warnings.
- Replaced all img with Image components.
- Fixed broken country flag image if player's country is blank(player profile).
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.5.1

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Build v2.5.1: ... tag/v2.5.1

Change Log
**** Build v 2.5.1
- Fixed delete duplicate matches in production mode.
- Fixed delete failed imports in production mode.
- Fixed delete match in production mode.
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Re: Node UTStats 2 Version 2.5.1

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

Long time no update, but here is a preview of the updated ftp tools, the next version will support sftp along side standard ftp.

The edit server dropdown was fixed since uploading of the video.
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