Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by Vladi619 »

Hello, i am very grateful for the mod. It helps me with every basic gamemodes. But sadly i have a server in a .bat file and for some reason maps like CTF4 and MultiteamCTF and it does not work even if i added the packages of the mod.
And this command "mutate bdbmapvote reload" says i can not use it for some reason.
Is there something i can do? Thanks!
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

Vladi619 wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:28 pm Hello, i am very grateful for the mod. It helps me with every basic gamemodes. But sadly i have a server in a .bat file and for some reason maps like CTF4 and MultiteamCTF and it does not work even if i added the packages of the mod.
New game types are not automatically detected.

You need to edit MVE_Config and define the new gametypes.
The easiest way is to copy paste an existing one and edit it.

Code: Select all

CustomGame[4]=(bEnabled=True,GameName="Capture the Flag",RuleName="InstaGib",GameClass="Botpack.CTFGame",FilterCode="ctf",bHasRandom=True,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="Botpack.InstaGibDM",Settings="",Packages="",TickRate=0,ServerActors="")
This is instagib CTF example from the release.
To set up a different gametype you need to set the correct GameClass.

For CTF4 this could be GameClass="CTF4.CTF4Game" but depends on which CTF4 you're using

Here is the modified gametype below

Code: Select all

CustomGame[4]=(bEnabled=True,GameName="Capture the Flag",RuleName="InstaGib",GameClass="CTF4.CTF4Game",FilterCode="ctf",bHasRandom=True,VotePriority=1.000000,MutatorList="Botpack.InstaGibDM",Settings="",Packages="",TickRate=0,ServerActors="")
Now that you made a change in the config file, you need to reload the map list otherwise your new game-type will not show up.
Vladi619 wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:28 pm And this command "mutate bdbmapvote reload" says i can not use it for some reason.
Is there something i can do? Thanks!
To run it you need to be logged in as admin.

Code: Select all

adminlogin yoursecretpassword
It's a good idea to keybind these using the in game console:

Code: Select all

set input f9 adminlogin yoursecretpassword
set input f10 mutate bdbmapvote reload
With keybinding you can run these command just by pressing f9 and then f10

Alternatively a reload can be triggered from the config file MVE_Config if you set

Code: Select all

This is useful so that you can reload the map list without entering the game, just by restarting the server.
After reload this flag is turned off automatically, if you want something more permanent:

Code: Select all

This is useful if you're making a lot of changes.
BUT: while map list reload is running the server will LAG out, you don't want this to be permanently enabled.
It's meant only to make setting things up easier in the beginning.

To get the most out of this mapvote, you'll need to familiarize yourself with MVE_Config.ini
Out of the box you get an example with all classic gametypes and mutators, as a way of showing off what it can do and to get you quickly started.
But it's meant to be customized to your needs.
Always make small changes and test it.
Once you got a good config, make a backup of it.

Hope this helps! Good luck!
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

If you use Notepad++ to edit your config files then this may be useful to you.

I've put together a small configuration for a user defined language for Notepad++

It has a delimitation of key-values, brackets and parenthesis and it also
identifies known mapvote configuration properties.
1. Download and extract the zip
Map Vote Extended Notepad++
(1.61 KiB) Downloaded 58 times
2. Open notepad++ and goto Language > User Defined Language > Define your language...
3. Import the extracted xml file
Edit: I've updated the file above, previous version avaiable here
Map Vote Extended
(1.6 KiB) Downloaded 63 times
Last edited by _21 on Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by Que »

any idea whats going on here @_21
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by esnesi »

Que wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:24 am any idea whats going on here @_21
I think you got "User Defined Language selected under Language options, make sure that's on the XML file.
When i select a different one, i get the black selection you posted in your screenshot.

Make sure you imported the *.xml file, and then it should be selectable in the dropdown menu.

You might want to enable darkmode under Settings>Style Configurator;
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

Que wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:24 am any idea whats going on here @_21
Yes, the colors chosen were assuming that you were using a dark theme.
And the default styling comes with an override for a dark background.

I've updated my previous post with a better version.
Please take a look at "Map Vote Extended Notepad++"
The color styling is now theme agnostic, it should be more compatible with light and dark themes.

However to achieve this the colors are more muted.
If you need more contrast you will have to edit the colors yourself.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by dalv »

Hi, I'm new to this and I'm trying to host a server for me and my friends with map voting from all except maybe Assault maps.
However, my vote screen looks empty like this:

How do I add all the game types and maps in the list?

And then how do I add different time/frag limit for different gametypes? For example 30 frags and 15 mins for Deathmatch, while 3 captures limit for CTF and bots.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

Hi dalv!

Did you run the console command mutate bdbmapvote reload when logged in as admin? Also can you check serverlogs for errors when running mutate bdbmapvote reload ?

Please check the MVE_Config.ini file from the zip, it contains examples how to set up game mode and how to configure them. Every game mode can have it's own separate Settings="FragLimit=15,TimeLimit=5" there are examples for this in the MVE_Config.ini file that's in the release zip.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by dalv »

I discovered that it's blank like that when I host a normal server with the map vote mutator. If I host a dedicated server with the mutator, it's populated with all maps and it works. But I'm trying to make it work on normal server as bots seem to lag a bit in dedicated server.
I will try to run that console command for the normal server and see if it works.

As for the frag and time limits in the ini file, I managed to figure it out, thanks.

I tried "mutate bdbmapvote reload" and "mutate bdbmapvote fullscan" (another command I found on this forum), and in both cases it says "You cannot reload the map list". So this is for a normal server, e.g. when I click Start New Multiplayer Game > Start (instead of Dedicated).
However, when I tried solo, e.g. Start Practice Session both those commands worked in the console, as in it said that maps have been reloaded and I have to wait 5 seconds before reopening mapvote. However, the mapvote screen was still empty.

How do I produce a new server.log? I think one is created only when I launch a dedicated server, in which case the mapvote mutator works.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »


I got to admit that I did not test with normal server. I mainly work with dedicated server mode and I test single player mode to make sure it work there, but I didn't test the normal server. it's possible that there is a bug prevents it working when you're not running as dedicated server. I will need to debug.

Once the map list is reloaded it's stored in a file. It's the same file for single player and dedicated. Since you managed to reload in a different mode then it's probably good, but there is a bug preventing the list from loading in normal server mode.

"You cannot reload the map list" - is a specific message that shows if you're not logged in as admin with adminlogin. I will change this message for next release as it's confusing, it should just say that you need to be admin to reload the map list.

Edit: I confirmed the issue, MVE2h only works with dedicated server mode.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by dalv »

Oh I see. Thanks for checking!
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

MVE2h contains optimizations when for servers with ~1000 installed maps. This broke things if you're not running a dedicated server. I'll look for a fix for next version.

You can try an older version if you still wish to use this mapvote with single player or normal server mode. You can find all released versions in the first post.
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