Covid19 world status map

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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by FraGnBraG »

Tracking: Canadian covid19 portal, the global section shows slightly bigger picture.
Some of this stuff you've probably seen already, some data perhaps not.

Stay safe everyone
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by BadCorps »

Red_Fist wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:24 am The flu would kill elderly just the same, there was 61 million infected with the swine flu in USA. No store closing, no tests, no BS propaganda media.
"Propaganda" is a HUGE stretch. From what I've seen (which is probably far different from the US), most medias are simply reporting numbers and advising us to stay safe, WASH YOUR F**KING HANDS, and similar easy tips on preventing further spread. Public health is never about you, it's the person next to you, and next to them, etc... . Public health officials are virtually unrecognised until times like this, where the importance of their job is heavily emphasized.

The 2009 Swine Flu (H1N1/09) Pandemic was incredibly infectious and reached much further a lot faster. A lot of oseltamivir phosphate (better known as Tamiflu(R) ) was able to successfully lessen or treat infected people, unless the virus mutated to become resistant. Currently, there is no vaccination for COVID-19 and it is still relatively mysterious. It is suggested that is spreads like most other coronaviruses (coronaviri?). The CDC only reported 57M confirmed cases in the US by the way.

Hellkeeper wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:06 pm
BadCorps wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:58 pm It is not that bad. Consider that the influenza regularly kills hundreds of thousands of people
We also have a vaccine each winter for the flu and it affects a billion people a year. The mortality rate is much lower.
However it still kills a LOT more people, but everyone shrugs it off. The flu spreads much faster and it mutates quite often, which gives it another edge over the community attempting to fight it constantly. You spend all this time trying to figure out how to fight a particular strain and it morphs into something different, resetting all the progress you made. Most public health officials hope that there will be a time w/o a flu season every again.

OjitroC wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:44 pm
BadCorps wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:58 pm It is not that bad. Consider that the influenza regularly kills hundreds of thousands of people, but since COVID-19 is new, the masses have a different fear of it.
Not as bad as what? You wouldn't think that if you were elderly or had certain underlying health conditions!

The masses are right to be worried and hopefully take precautions not to infect themselves or others - because it is new, there is no cure, no vaccine and no immunity - that's reason enough to be worried, particularly if you are vulnerable. Seasonal flu would kill many more people than it does if there was no cure, no vaccine and no immunity! Of course the fact that seasonal flu kills as many people as it does is something to be concerned about as well. The problem is not just deaths (bad as those are) but also the pressure on health services from the current pandemic.

Apologies for the rant but I think it is important not to downplay the impact of Covid-19, particularly on vulnerable members of society.
The seasonal flu mutates, meaning that people who had immunity to the last strain may not have immunity to the new strain. Yes there are cases where someone's immune system can successfully fend against the new flu, but it'll come back as something different soon. Flu immunisations are meant to do one of two things: prevent it entirely or lessen the symptoms in case of infection. You have about a 40-60% chance of fully preventing it, but that's better than 0.

The seasonal flu could be considered much worse than COVID-19, it affects a lot more people, and it spreads for reasons that can be tied to economics. If you're lower class and working a paycheque to paycheque job, you're not going to take a sick day (especially in the US where sick days are not legally required at every job) because you can't miss that money. COVID-19 appears to be slightly more dangerous than the flu, but both can severe impact the vulnerable.

Deaths from the flu are more often than not people of vulnerable background (being age or prior conditions). Yet, these are overlooked.

Public health services are under just as much (if not more) pressure during the flu season since the numbers are much bigger, even worse another Ebola outbreak. They are often behind the scenes and constantly working for another vaccine, since those don't just appear. Most people far overlook the impact and the stress than public health services are under at any given time. There's always something they need to control and monitor. Just think of how much pressure they were under during the measles outbreak in NYC in 2018. Measles was considered eradicated from the US (fantastic news to public health services) but thanks to a certain group of dumbasses it's back.
Last edited by papercoffee on Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by EvilGrins »

Hey BadCorps, the admins here hate double-posts and those were triple-posts. You could have done all of that in 1 post, with a little cutting & pasting.

Just saying...
BadCorps wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:10 pmThe flu spreads much faster and it mutates quite often
Covid-19 hasn't been around long and it's already mutated several times, plus it's highly more infectious than the flu ever was. It's spread further and faster than any other virus on the planet ever has.
BadCorps wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:27 pm...but thanks to a certain group of dumbasses it's back.
Yeah, nobody likes anti-vaxxers.
BadCorps wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:27 pmPublic health services are under just as much pressure during the flu season...
...worth noting another difference, Covid-19 is still new and it has no season. It's an equal opportunity infecter for all seasons, so far as anyone knows yet.
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by OjitroC »

BadCorps wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:27 pm The seasonal flu could be considered much worse than COVID-19 .. COVID-19 appears to be slightly more dangerous than the flu, but both can severe impact the vulnerable.
It appears that COVID-19 is significantly more dangerous than seasonal flu given the difference in the death rates (and in the numbers that require hospitalisation).

But I still can't see what overall point you are making - why compare the two? What's the purpose? What conclusions do we draw (after all, the only reason to compare two 'things' is to draw conclusions)? What are the practical outcomes from that comparison?

At the end of the day, the comparison is meaningless - there is a global COVID-19 pandemic that needs to be addressed - that's the important thing surely, not a argument over whether one disease is more dangerous than another!

The danger in the comparison is to downplay the need to take the necessary precautions to reduce the spread (and speed of spread) of COVID-19 - "Seasonal flu could be considered much worse than COVID-19" "Oh well, that's good, we don't need to worry about social distancing, staying at home, not coughing in people's faces, etc, etc"
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by EvilGrins »

A lot of people seem to be trying to downplay Covid-19 by saying it's not as bad or dangerous as other diseases.

Here's the problem with that logic... who cares? It's still plenty deadly and it's killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Also, according to actual medical experts it's much more dangerous than all the diseases those that try to downplay it compare it too... not that it matters because Covid-19 is still extremely dangerous.

To put it another way, a Great White Shark is not as deadly as a school of Pirahna. Given the logic of those that are downplaying, who among you want to jump into a tank of bloodied water with that shark?
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by papercoffee »

14 days till outbreak ... 14 days being already highly contagious ... 14 days don't give a fuck.

It's not the virus which frightens me it's the ignorance.
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by sektor2111 »

Not everyone it's understanding what's going on, of course.
If there are 2 people infected but young and strong they can be cured easily. If infection goes to 2,000,000 and many if these are suffering by other diseases on a way, I'm not sure how many hospitals have place for them and if they have chances, THAT IS THE PROBLEM which actually Dr. Flay has shown with that video.

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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by Que »

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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by Swanky »

Hm. I hear Iceland, northern Canada or the Russian Tundra are nice this time of year...
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by papercoffee »

Swanky wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:52 am Hm. I hear Iceland, northern Canada or the Russian Tundra are nice this time of year...
Iceland has around 300 confirmed Covid19 infected :|

Maybe more ... celanders/
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by Swanky »

Tibetan cloister then, maybe?
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by Red_Fist »

Hellkeeper wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:58 pm
Red_Fist wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:24 am The flu would kill elderly just the same, there was 61 million infected with the swine flu in USA. No store closing, no tests, no BS propaganda media.
Damn, you're right, I guess we all fell for the new world order propaganda which somehow has all the governments and international organizations in the world at its service.
You guys are missing the point.

I seen on the news deaths of 599, the next time it was 650 about, then the next time it was 547 ?, then the next one was today 809.

On the radio they had a story about some news place was blowing things out of proportion, deaths were 69, that same lady in the same news broadcast says ,"deaths are about "70"

The big one for me was our USA map, now normally when you see a map they have colors for density, we had 1 as-in one infected, however our state had the same damn red color as states with 500, propaganda !!!!!!

The first, world map, they had it was China with 10,000 plus cases and was bright red, the USA had like 34 and we had a dark red.

It's not that I am defending the flu it's you are being led at a certain extent. Plus I been aware of catching things long before all these warnings, been washing my hands from the store, and not touching my face, and avoiding any coughing person for at least 25 years.

To prove my point it was the media propaganda and hype that caused panic buying.

And this, along with many other

"MSNBC has taken down a tweet that falsely claimed the coronavirus had the potential to kill 50 percent of the U.S. population.

The tweet, which was posted early Tuesday and widely shared, was described as “erroneous” by the far-left network and quickly removed."
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by OjitroC »

Red_Fist wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:03 pm
You guys are missing the point ...

And this, along with many other

"MSNBC has taken down a tweet that falsely claimed the coronavirus had the potential to kill 50 percent of the U.S. population.

The tweet, which was posted early Tuesday and widely shared, was described as “erroneous” by the far-left network and quickly removed."

A lot of us don't live in America so we can only commiserate with you that you are so poorly served by your media :P :wink:

Find and stick with one source of authentic and authoratative data/news perhaps?

The last quote does show that the media (I presume that is what MSNBC is?) is acting on squashing false claims? So MSNBC is some kind of Revolutionary Socialist\Maoist media outlet?
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by EvilGrins »

Red_Fist wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:03 pm"MSNBC has taken down a tweet that falsely claimed the coronavirus had the potential to kill 50 percent of the U.S. population. The tweet, which was posted early Tuesday and widely shared, was described as “erroneous” by the far-left network and quickly removed."
Nice to see them being responsible, although I would like to correct the quote... because while MSNBC is certainly Democratic, it's a far cry from being remotely "far-left".

Moving right along...

New York, which has been hit harder by Covid-19 than anywhere else in the US, is almost out of space in their morgues. ... ity-148259
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Re: Covid19 world status map

Post by Red_Fist »

If I wrote that, it would say "by the wacko ultra extreme radical far-left network"
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