Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

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Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by shoq_jedi »

Here is a thread for my general questions because I've forgotten over the years, or never took the time learn fully in the first place, and/or have forgotten and I'm too lazy and preoccupied with RL stuff to read readme.txt files, or learn new immediately non-profitable skills, or even Google it more than a few times. I know I know, I'm being a lazy butt. Sorry idc, I just want a quit easy answer cause I'm being lazy and I know some of you all know off the top of your head and it would only take a quick second to answer. Plus, I'd do the same for you if the roles were reversed and I knew off the top of my head, so come on, help a blue ballz brother out. =)

1. I recently added Rocket Area to my server cause my nephew likes to play it. But, how do I get rid of this.. Image

2. Also is there a way to space these so they don't overlap?

3. I have mutators="ComboInstaGib.ComboInstaGibDM", anyone know the bind to put in your ini to switch to after using the translocator?

4. Also, I am using mods including mapvote. Configuration lines look like this.

Code: Select all

For CTF I have

Code: Select all

CustomGame[1]=(bUse=True,MapFolder="/Maps/CTFSM/",DefaultMap="CTF-Combo_King",GameName="+++MiniCTF ComboGib",GameClass="Botpack.CTFGame",mutators="ComboInstaGib.ComboInstaGibDM",Settings="InitialBots=6,FragLimit=7",ServerPackages="",ServerActors="",ServerName="  x4n74z ComboGib CTF      ")
For DM I have

Code: Select all

CustomGame[2]=(bUse=True,MapFolder="/Maps/DM/1stMaps/",DefaultMap="DM-Agony",GameName="+++ Jedi DM Maps",GameClass="Botpack.DeathMatchPlus",mutators="",Settings="Fraglimit=30,TimeLimit=30,MinPlayers=2",ServerPackages="",ServerActors="",ServerName="  x4n74z +++ Jedi DM Maps | The Only Up2Date Cheat Protected US DM Server")
I like to go back and forth a between CTF and DM alot, but I have trouble with Capture limit being 30 rather than 5 because I set team game limit to 30 in case someone picks TDM. How to set the TDM teamgame separate from the CTF team game?

5. Why doesn't the latest ACE cheat protection work with my current configuration?

Code: Select all

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27500
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by Que »

I like to go back and forth a between CTF and DM alot, but I have trouble with Capture limit being 30 rather than 5 because I set team game limit to 30 in case someone picks TDM. How to set the TDM teamgame separate from the CTF team game?
Regarding the Capture limit being changed after switching between TDM/CTF is a problem with MVX and TeamGames. To resolve this issue Do Not set The FragLimit through MVX. Do this in the UT.ini for TeamGames.

2. Move mvx window to the side. It will save it's position.
Last edited by Que on Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by sektor2111 »

Good luck with "heart-beating" server to
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by papercoffee »

sektor2111 wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:48 am Good luck with "heart-beating" server to
You could also have linked him to the explanation, instead of just making fun of him not knowing about the master-server issue.
shoq_jedi wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:11 am...

You can delete the line with because this is no longer existent.
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by sektor2111 »

papercoffee wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:47 am You could also have linked him to the explanation, instead of just making fun of him not knowing about the master-server issue.
It's hard to do a small research, right ? I already said this X times, why should I do redundant posting all the time which is annoying not funny ?
Forum has a SEARCH button box - DO USE IT. It is not any Rocket Science for finding this
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5619&hilit=MasterSe ... tup#p62891
Either way I'm not guilty because there are not very visible UPDATED TUTORIALS about everything concerning UT and we are posting the same things thousands of times, yeah, funny no wonder :ironic: . It's frustrating for everyone after all. At almost each two weeks I see a question about servers and the same blabbering. Isn't more easy to have top links at various tutorials ?
More than that ACE related questions are not in the right place... and neither MVX setup.
Forum members are not seeing logs or feeling server and then I don't get how are supposed to deliver a good answer.

Note: All game-types resident in whatever packages (even stock) are not needed to be listed as ServerPackages. If server has 5-10 custom game-types we don't have to send everything at player for 10 minutes of game in server, but we want all other "attached" weapons, skins, logos to be mentioned or else client won't have a copy of them and so won't know about them.
Mods installed it's recommended to have log lines printed especially at initialization stage. This way we can figure if all assets are loaded/spawned. If client cannot figure them, something is missing from client or that mod has stopped working for some reason. It's why RTFM for mods/games it's mandatory not optional doesn't matter if you are a lazy guy or a hyperactive one.
From my experience I believe that some INT files can be moved away (another folder) because I think menu types and other objects created in a dedicated server are just taking a bit of extra-memory without any valid purpose.
If main INI file should stay without possibility to be screwed up, command line might have "-readini=" parameter used.
A bit of networking knowledge is needed for understanding what are "ports" and which ones must be opened, what environment is supporting. Certain game-servers rental companies are not suitable for ACE as long as those rental accounts are user accounts and machine might have restrictive policies - I was facing this problem. For the control of server perhaps it's recommended embedded features instead of internal Web interface - I think it only takes resources and it's not widely used - and requires completed INT files for accessing/activating mods. Me one I'm not using that ServerActor for years.
Server should have a sort of copy in admin's machine for doing various tests before to screw public machine with stupid maps and poorly written mods.
To not forget that a server with regular players will need a restart from time to time - UE1 is not that stable - old server tutorials are not saying too much about these needs. A mod or something external capable to restart server it's also a need, either way a process tracker capable to find server's lock-down would be welcomed. Here we talk about OS/environment used, we cannot talk based on assumptions and stories.
In multi-core machines Windows based, I wrote certain run-line stuff aiming only two CPU cores, not all of them and rising a bit priority of server above normal. Purpose is aiming a stable server but leaving the rest of resources available for networking and for other OS drivers as well. Tracking resources in TaskManager is helpful for figuring how much can you get from machine or else it will be a lagging fest not a server.
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by Chamberly »

papercoffee wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:47 am
sektor2111 wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:48 am Good luck with "heart-beating" server to
You could also have linked him to the explanation, instead of just making fun of him not knowing about the master-server issue.
shoq_jedi wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:11 am...

You can delete the line with because this is no longer existent.
More or less, let's not forget this guy have a full info of these stuff on here:

But sektor isn't realizing the new people do not know how to do research sometimes so it's better to give em the easy path instead of telling them how to search when they really don't know how to find the correct info and maybe get the wrong info. And again, how many times he had done this? Will he not stop that? Just saying... he got some use on advanced level but when it comes to the new people, that's not the people skills to introduce to people.
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by sektor2111 »

I have to admit that sometimes I do have a bit an abrasive reaction... but a loonger post and telling l'm lazy are not a match - it's confusing, no, I'm not making fun, I'm pointing a target and if nothing is found I'll link more info, nothing more and nothing less. As for my old questions about servers I did not see anyone answering YET... but I don't feel frustrated about that.
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by shoq_jedi »

Well, except, I am not new.

This site first appeared on on way back machine FEBRUARY 9, 2008


My site appeared on way back machine APRIL 28, 2005

Therefore, I had the idea for a site with UT99 downloads & forums way before you guys ever joined this site... I wanted a place to share UT info and exchange help with UT99 projects like mine.

You see people. I am an idea guy, I have Attention Deficient Disorder. Thus, I have little follow through and really actually need help to finish my ideas. I actually have extraordinary research abilities as I love to explore and expand upon my ideas, but reading through mind numbing, boring poorly written IT documentation is definitely not my thing. :sleep: :ironic2: My brain simply won't allow it. Google ADD, it is a psychiatric condition. I can't concentrate. Ignorant people call it whining, actual doctors and researchers diagnose and treat it with medication. If I am able to focus on one thing it is only under the pressure of work, being homeless, a boss, and then only for short periods of time and only when I have prescribed stimulates and coffee. If I eat a big lunch my concertation goes back to shit. It makes many things you who can focus take for granted impossible for me to do. :facepalm:

There are however, some benefits. I do have far more ideas than the average joe as there is a constant stream of thoughts in my head all the time that I can't control. I have this incredible thirst for learning about things which I previously didn't know anything about. I learn until I reach a stopping point, usually enough to take me to intermediate level of knowledge, or at least to the point where I have a better than average big picture view of things. I have a thirst to learn about other cultures and countries and thus I am very well traveled having backpacked 11 months in Europe and Mexico. I've lived in Sweden for 2 years. I just got back from a 2 week trip driving through Baja California to Dos Cabos Mexico. ADD also makes me very open minded to new things and people, thus I did this this thing called and hosted over 1000 people including likely someone from your own city. I'd likely host you in California for free in wine country 30 miles from the coast for a week if you went to a couch surfing meetup first and got some references to prove your not a complete anti social ass hole. ADD also makes me very social, open to always meet new people even those that others would doubt and then also to make new friends with like minded people who I enjoy being with regardless of race, culture, or political views. It also makes me a bit of a ladies man, because I love variety. :satan: Finally, and more in alignment for this site it also helps me to be very good at UT (and RL fast action Sports) in case you haven't had the change to play against me. So, please before you criticize me, realize that everyone has their own life circumstances that you may not be aware of, then also if you can try to out combo me so we can see who the true UT99 "newb" is. :lol: :loool:
Last edited by shoq_jedi on Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by sektor2111 »

Chamberly wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:11 pm But sektor isn't realizing the new people do not know how to do research sometimes so it's better to give em the easy path instead of telling them how to search when they really don't know how to find the correct info and maybe get the wrong info.
Feel free to deliver the easy path then if you think there is a better way than reading. For me it took some time to understand servers in big parts - not everything. This means tests, failures, and all those things.

I'm sorry about your ADD, but... here I cannot tell too much, sometimes doing servers requires a good doze of focus, I don't know what else can be helpful...
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by shoq_jedi »

Hey, often I use the name tester when on my own server, then when I go to play on a server I have to manually change it all back. So, I am trying to create a bind that automatically makes sure my favorite settings get loaded on one key press. The name works of course, but nothing else. Is this possible? Is there something wrong with this line?

Trying to set my skin to Warmachine (Like my avatar)
Trying to set my team to none

Code: Select all

Command="setname blue_ballz| set class Botpack.TMale2 | set team 0 | set skin SoldierSkins.hkil | Face=SoldierSkins.Matrix",
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Re: Blue Ballz Lazy Questions About Servers

Post by sektor2111 »

I think you should include whatever "DefaultPlayer" section (but I don't know where is located without investigating more) and for Face is missing "SET"...

Code: Select all

For me is easier having two ini files and manually moved as User.ini file without anything inside UT, such as files User.ini.Tester and User.ini.UsedName.
Two bat commands can be delegated to do rename/copy task - I'm using this way for setting up those two textures different at 469 and back in original for 436+.