SmartStats Installation
Add SmartStats13.u to your UTServer/System folder.
Open your Server's UT.ini file and add under:
Add in the command line: ?Mutators=SmartStats13.SmartStats
Or as an alternate to the Mutator:
To view the Top100 type !ss100 in the chat.
To view the Top20 during a game type !sstats or !ssbstats
Top20 can also be view by typing in Console:
Mutate SmartStats Stats
Using SmartSB's SmartSBPlayerStats.ini info in SmartStats.ini
Copy contents from SmartSBPlayerStats.ini into SmartStats.ini
Where xxx = Version number;
Replace [SmartSBxxx.SmartSBPlayerStats] with [SmartStats13.SmartStatsPlayer]
In all 500 cases replace as follows:
replace with
Replace [SmartSBxxx.SmartSBLastPlayers] with [SmartStats13.SmartStatsLast]
Replace [SmartSBxxx.SmartSBTopTwenty] with [SmartStats13.SmartStatsTop20]
Replace [SmartSBxxx.SmartSBExcludeStat] with [SmartStats13.SmartStatsExclude]
Should work with; DM , TDM , LMS , CTF & DOM
any problems or idea's , drop us a line here.
SmartStats13 has source included.
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Last edited by Que on Wed Jul 03, 2024 6:43 am, edited 4 times in total.