I do not know, but this particular topic has come up before a number of times.
Somebody asked most recently as of a few months back though I can't find the post now. I did a serious deep dive looking, but found nothing.
20 minutes later
Found one of them...
UTNerd24 wrote: ↑Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:22 pm
Ive seen this gamemode before, However its only that. I swear i've seen an actual playermodel of the UMS Marine.

Looks like its for Unreal, But I'm convinced through a few script tweaks it can be used in UT. I doubt anyone will wanna make Team Skins though.
...though it was in an unrelated thread for different models.
He was wrong about team skins, as they technically already exist. The summonable monster has urban skins, desert skins, jungle camo... which work for team colors blue, yellow, and green. Would need to edit a red, if a player model ever were found.
5 minutes later
Found another...
UnrealFox wrote: ↑Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:02 pm
Maybe someone knows if there is such a model for the game? We made a model with one guy, but stopped talking to him and i lost the model when reinstalling windows
...guess that covers the red.
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