i made a shoddy youtube video using the free version of fraps, and had to do low res cause my laptop couldnt handle it lol
I'm still working on this and added some fun features, like a gravity vortex above the redeemer. i originally made it to block transpunting and to have a surprise trap for anyone not too careful around the redeemer, but i figured out an extra feature which you can see in the video above at 2:30. theres a placeholder texture at the border of the zone until i can figure out something cooler. I also added a lot more lights, some of which are unfortunately kind of overkill and i need to tone down, various decorations, and a warp zone leading to sniper bays which uses a swjumppad. so far it's very fun. still need to work on bsp holes and botpathing.
Original Post:
I visit these forums often, not really having the time to stick around and chat, but now I figured I would start a thread for the map I have been fiddling with and picking at for the past year or so. I feel most of what I have created has been a bit underwhelming, however this conversion has actually turned out to be quite fun!
For those unaware, DM-Flux was a Deathmatch Map originally created by Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels for the console ports of Unreal Tournament, where towards the end of the campaign, you would face off in a 1vs1 with the War Machine, "Rampage."
You can see video footage of this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAZFRBx-w64&t=2s
And you can see video footage of the perfectly accurate Unreal Tournament 3 port here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrarMSYO2uQ
And big up to whoever ported it over to UT99 for PC! Because that's what this is based off of, Because I'm not that great haha.
Anyway, onto the WIP screenshots!
Outside and Middle Platform:
BSP hole lol
Zone Portal up to the sniper nest:
The Zone Portals themselves! gonna add some effects and align textures at the end.
I'm a fan of The Silencer from Quake 2 so I added in the Acoustic Dampener and gave it a 60 second charge.
I always loved just how gorgeous and unique the original map was, however the design always seemed underwhelming to me, that is, not enough items on the map for it to properly work as a duel map, and I've always wanted to expand on that. So, what started as a Bumping Up of this map, has turned into a full fledged Capture The Flag map with the jump pads from http://www.extremew00t.com! It still needs a LOT of tweaking, however I'm still quite happy with what I've fan-dangled so far. I've taken some influence from Quake 2 and 3 and added it into the map as well. Wish I knew Uscript better so I could fiddle with making some half-way weapons.
One thing I've noticed that I'm not entirely fond of is that sniping across the map doesn't really work out. It's like there's a certain range where the sniper, and the rest of the weapons, just don't go beyond. However, I don't think the distance across the map is much farther than CTF-FacingWorlds. I could be wrong, but it still bothers me. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? Please leave a comment and let me know. I would like for players to be able to snipe all the way across the map.
I still need to fix things like BSP errors, correct bot pathing and balanced weapon placement in order for a proper release, but I hope my novice mapping skills keep the intrigue of you few.
I'll be releasing this with proper credit to the original authors once I am done tweaking everything. enjoy the screens!