Don't dig that up. Basically not much, except they tried to put it in a big case.
It comes down to defending myself against attacks and trying to get back something that was mine. Nothing else really.
But the spin they put on it was enormous. Its many years ago. I was freed from one charge only and that was, literally under the system "harm on health". I don't know what is the equivalent in the english speaking countries. And you know, the irony is that one thing I was willing to admit that I maybe caused after all by accident? But no it turned out I didn't anyways. And they freed me of that charge, but anything else, however ridiculous it was, I was convicted on probation but also spent half a year in detention.
And all that just because one of the parties was a cop who was not in uniform and had dubious tatoos all over his body including "88" and some religious shit and stuff related to "NWO", no really he had the all seeing eye and other stuff tatooed on him.
There was other stuff that they staged, one thing after my release to try to get me. After they broke my shoulder (not the same people though and it was elsewhere). So meanwhile while I had my arm broken I was accused of another attack and you see a problem with that. This is the thing which I described that had even someone describing me as having short hair. The courts don't care though.
If there's enough people who are in the system and have nepotic friends, you're screwed even if evidence agrees with you.
edit: btw if someone finds it ludicrous and don't believe me about those tatoos, well the criminal police also found it ludicrous and thought I was making fun of them, until someone spotted something themselves, so they ordered him to remove his uniform later and found those tatoos and photographed them.
I believe we might have a copy of this somewhere too. So I could even like..scan it or something later. But the powers that be that investigated him for it after were satisfied with his excuse that its because of his birth date in year 1988 (why no other cop tatooed himself with "89" or whatever then is beyond me) and the other stuff he explained as some other bla bla beliefs this and that.