now fixed in CountryFlags32d
remember to update SmartSB.ini and SmartSBPlayerStats.ini ~ replacing all instances of CountryFlags32x with CountryFlags32d
sorry for inconvenience.
*mipmaps removed for high res flags.
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Changes to 110f
Added back Jailbreak Hud.
Added chain dead jailed icons fo JB.
Removed spectator stats if bEnablePlayerStats=False.
Teamhud now extends challenghud.
Shifted ammo 4 pixels if over 199.
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Changes to 110k
Added 12 or 24 player option for History.
Changes to 110j
Fixed history days and hours.
Added disable history at game end.
Increased History timer 5 fold.
Changes to 110i
Added 24 hour player history (!ssbhist or !ssbhistory).
Fixed spectator dual ammo display.
Fixed possible blank spec stats.
Increased 300 back to 500;
Added StatsPruningDate for player stats.
Added StatsPruningGame for player stats.
Added Stats saving at game start as well.
Changes to 110h
Added bBot to 300 list.
Reduced Join/Leave text size.
Changed Join/Leave text to Lime.
Changes to 110g
Renamed SmartSBTeamIcons to SmartSBGameIcons.
Removed default CountryFlagsPackage.
Added SmartSBIpCheck for unknown flags.
Set DM Inline player as default False.
Added a Join/Leave fade delay option.
Added Mutate JoinLeave xx (1 to 10).
Added Bot accuracy to TDM.
Changes to 110f
Added back Jailbreak Hud.
Added chain dead jailed icons fo JB.
Removed spectator stats if bEnablePlayerStats=False.
Teamhud now extends challenghud.
Shifted ammo 4 pixels if over 199.
Changes to 110e
Removed test indicator options.
Added additional sorting for Top20/100.
Changes to 110d
Added NegenHUD detection if no UTChat.
Added Buggies RestoreNexgenHUD.
if useNexgenHUD=True in Nexgen.ini.
Added 3 Indicator options: UseIndicatorFormula=1 (default)
Rescalled Top20, Last10 and winner flag icons.
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Problem is , we do t know how to play siege lol and how it's scoring works etc.
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Changes to 111c
Fixed Top20/last10 slow scroll.
Fixed DM Hud chat and center text.
Fixed Team Hud chat and center text.
Fixed Team Game blur.
Removed SSB Hud in Jailbreak.
Changes to 111b
Changed Top20 to HUD display.
Added WelcomeMessage to all games.
Added Y position to WelcomeMessage.
Centered SplashLogo better.
Improved player accuracy.
Updated Help window.
Removed MOTD at logon.
Fixed UT beacons health.
Fixed double logon game displays.
Fixed ssblogo not disabling.
Changes to 111a
Changed Top20 to HUD display.
Added WelcomeMessage to all games.
Added Y position to WelcomeMessage.
Centered SplashLogo better.
Improved player accuracy.
Changes to 111a
Added press Fire will stop join/leave display.
Added AirKillMessage option.
Added Player Hits to accuracy.
Added Player join/leave message option.
Fixed intermittent History display.
Fixed Assault scoreboard.
Removed jailbreak for nexgen access.
Removed Minigun, Pulsegun and BioRifle from accuracy.
Added auto 500 list update for IpAdds.
Added Hits to player recovery.
Hi, In version 111 I did by mistake forget to correct the text I changed in CTF for "You have the flag etc.." but corrected that in later beta versions.Jake19 wrote: ↑Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:38 pm I have an issue, well actually the thing is that im using another language for the game, it's hungrian, and this mod is replacing some of the texts that was actually hungarian, i already tried to fix this, but was unsuccessfully, i want those texts to be in hungarian language.
For the Team Names you can set them in the SmartSB.ini file under [SmartSB111c.SmartSBTeamHeaders]