big WarheadLauncher

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big WarheadLauncher

Post by Barbie »

At a player the WarheadLauncher fills up more than half the screen. What could be wrong there?
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Re: big WarheadLauncher

Post by Hitman »

Wrong FOW maby ?
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Re: big WarheadLauncher

Post by Barbie »

She tried different values between 90 and 120.
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Re: big WarheadLauncher

Post by Buggie »

Possible altered default DrawScale on this weapon. Maybe broken Botpack.u
Try update to v469d.
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Re: big WarheadLauncher

Post by darkbarrage99 »

same happens to me, but I've just learned to ignore it. it's a combination of higher fov and drawscale for wide screen.

Fox Widescreen Fix can fix it, found here:
idk if its anticheat compatible though?
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Re: big WarheadLauncher

Post by Buggie »

Here, as your both screen sizes look by default on game, without any tweaker:
So, maybe not need use any fixer or tweaker?
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Re: big WarheadLauncher

Post by darkbarrage99 »

i recently learned about "tweaks" a.k.a. config files via the utctf.pug discord. (i swear i learn something new about ut every few weeks)

you can create a tweak file in the system folder that can alter gameplay elements, one of them being first person weapon model drawscale.

so I made one with a lot of visual changes for fun, and I also made this one specifically for first person weapon drawscale only here:

Code: Select all

summon impacthammer
summon enforcer
summon ut_biorifle
summon shockrifle
summon pulsegun
summon ripper
summon minigun2
summon ut_flakcannon
summon ut_eightball
summon sniperrifle
summon warheadlauncher
summon chainsaw
summon supershockrifle
summon translocator

set translocator playerviewscale .875
set chainsaw playerviewscale .725
set impacthammer playerviewscale .75
set enforcer playerviewscale .75
set ut_biorifle playerviewscale .75
set shockrifle playerviewscale 1.5
set supershockrifle playerviewscale 1.5
set pulsegun playerviewscale .725
set ripper PlayerViewScale 1.0
set minigun2 playerviewscale .7
set ut_flakcannon PlayerViewScale 0.875
set ut_eightball PlayerViewScale 1.375
set sniperrifle playerviewscale 1.5
set warheadlauncher PlayerViewScale .5
In order to activate the config, you open a map in practice session and type "exec [nameoffile]" in my case "exec viewmodelfix.txt" and it runs all of those commands in the console. No download required.
first it loads all the actors via "summon" command so each weapon actor can be altered, then the "set" command lines change the scale for each weapon. pretty cool stuff. you typically won't see any changes until after you respawn or pick up fresh weaps though.

you can change the playviewerscale numbers to whatever you want and preview them by typing "set [weapon] playerviewscale #" into the console to preview. dropping and picking up the weapon resets to the new value.

obviously beware of any server that might be running an anti-cheat as it may boot you from the server depending on what tweaks are allowed if they're allowed at all. if this happens just restart UT, don't open the tweak file and reconnect.

idk if playerviewscale would trigger anticheat though, it's clientside and doesn't alter gameplay. Personally, I would rather everyone play with these smaller scale weapons lol
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Re: big WarheadLauncher

Post by Baardman »

Maybe because you use directx11? I saw some weird glitches when i used directx 11. My custom models i imported became very deformed. Only with directx 11 weirdly enough