Code: Select all
Changes to 109i
Fixed lagging huds in 109g.
Added greater Fnn compatibility.
Changes to 109h
Fixed F2 Player stats.
Fixed a zillion accessed nones in local log.
Changes to 109g
Fixed player beacons team mates only.
Fixed top100 spaces in display.
Set bUseBotKillsInStats=True as default
Added Frags/Score switch in Top100.
Fixed Team icon alignment again.
Re-enabled game end stats on scoreboard.
Fixed flag timeout timers.
Fixed Tournament ready flags if fnn.
Changes to 109f
Fixed Top100 scores in DM and TDM
Removed UT Beacons when Player beacons selected.
Fixed Accessed Nones in Hud.
Added bEnablePointer for beacons.