Code: Select all
Changes to 106
Fixed startup lag, re-wrote stats sorting.
Fixed Powerup icons in 4 way team games.
Removed PlayerCount in Max Hud size.
Remove bUsePlayerName in stats.
Added BotNames to BotInfo.
Added bUseBotNamesOnly to BotInfo.
Added Accuracy to all scoreboards.
Added Shots and Kills to personal scoreboard.
Changes to 105
Added Clientside ScrollInOutTime for Top20 and Last10 in menu.
Fixed several Accessed Nones in client.
Added up/dn/stable top 20 position indicators.
Removed Live Stat updates as they were troublesome.
Reduced flag dropped timeout to 26 secs.
Moved LastPlayers to SmartSBPlayerStats.ini
Added !ssbstats or Mutate SmartSB SSBStats for Top20 anytime.
Added scores to Top20 for possible up arrow.
Added lowering of left hud Powerups + clock in team games.
Added removal of SSB Team icons in FNN mode.
Added bTop20StatsCommandOnly for !SSBStats only, also in menu.
Added Top20ResetCount (default 9) for Top20 resets.
Replaced Dead and Bot icons with new ones.
Removed all bScroll's in replication.
Fixed Score/Rank/Spread viewing.
Improved on Last10 shade lag.
Added bSetTop20RightSide, displays Top20 etc on the right.
Added bDisableTop20Faces, this disables the faces in the Top20.
Added Last10 next to Top20 if bSetTop20RightSide=True.
Update in First Post.