Future of the internet?

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Future of the internet?

Post by Terraniux »

I found this. This not about UT or something, but it may really be interesting to those out there.

Watch it, it will not waste your time.


If this is real . wow. For me this is actual reality as I seem it to be in the future. .

Not bring doom or anything, pleae give your just P.O.V.'s ( points of views ) please.

Thought I needed this to share.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by sektor2111 »

Just my random thoughts.
If some entity is a sponsor for those doing BotNet types then I can expect some outage in future. Their goals from last time seems DNS servers, without a DNS server mainly you cannot access Web-Sites and this is far from being good. I'm hoping that skilled programmers will manage to remove these threats based on programming bugs which seems endless as I could read so far in some location... new bugs have been discovered btw, in newer Win-dozes, to describe shortly there are options to run with no detection some malware which the most of antivirus products will not even smell it, I hope this will be solved too...
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by JackGriffin »

I think people will tire of the constant hacks and allow some sort of net takeover. A person is smart but people are stupid and seek to be lead. An internet takeover is inevitable, it's too powerful a force to be left alone. Every major government is at risk with open internet and I'm surprised they have tolerated it for so long already.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

Well, if that happens become a hacker, etichal hackers have always kept internet neutrality by sharing instructions on how to access the internet even when apparently you cannot. I don't think it's rly just a "tolleration" by governments to let the internet be free, no anyone would like internet not to be free, I doubt we would accept it, you can be etichal as much as you wish, but we are humans and revege is still one choice we may take at some point.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by JackGriffin »


I don't mean for this to sound condescending so please don't take it that way...

The only and I mean *only* reason hacking exists is because most governments tolerate various degrees of open internet protocol. Don't think for a minute that there aren't a hundred plans on how to shut that down. If the US government (for example) wanted to stop internet traffic in an hour I can promise you that it would be as dark as a cellar until they felt like turning it back on. People have just gotten used to having cell service, wifi, and data everywhere that they forget it's not a fundamental right of citizenship. I'm very sure if it was ever desired there would be an instant blackout like you have never seen. Go back into US history and take a look at the outcomes of anything that threatens the existing power structure. That's why I'm surprised free and open internet has gone this long. I'm calling it now: Net neutrality is done in the US. It will do nothing but scale backwards from here on out. The only thing that will stop that is a pitchfork party and Americans are just too lazy any more.

Personally I think it's gone this far because people are complicit in their own control. We give everything to FB and Google, every decision to Twitter, every gathering to Snapchat. The government just vacuums all this data up and uses it however they like. We've given away all privacy in lieu of connectivity. What did we think was going to happen?
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Carbon »

Interestingly but not surprisingly - it has a long history in the US - the Internet was developed with public funding then sold back to the public for profit.

ISPs have long straddled the line of being the middle-men who pay the government for the right to control the selling back to us of our own paid-for property. Now corporations want to wrestle that control by colluding with or overriding the ISPs control regarding who sees what, when they can see it and how. As we know, the US is at best a corporate oligarchy, so it stands to reason that the government will do exactly what the corporations want. The ISPs are being squeezed in the middle and will end up looking like the villains but they are right now quite thankful that Ajit Pai is there to take the blows. What needs to be clear however, is that he is nothing in this; he is simply the messenger and while we can cry for his head on a pike, it is as always, the corporations who are the movers and shakers and they will get what they want, even if that means buying up the ISPs or otherwise making their lives difficult until they give up.

The Internet is doomed in many ways, most certainly in the way we have come to know it. Get your wallets out and forget this futile fight for privacy folks. It's a pay-for, named virtual world and if you don't want to be part of it, reacquaint yourself with 28k modem speeds and a severe lack of content available to you. Surf like it's 1996.

And make no mistake: this will happen. Apathy is the new God and nobody is interested in revolution or taking governments or corporations down because that means sacrifice. Nobody really cares about anything anymore; nobody has passion or conviction in principles. Why? It's been beaten out of us. 40 years of social conditioning is now reaping dividends; society has been successfully propagandized and atomized that there is no collective "we" anymore, only "me".

Follow the money. It's the answer to every question.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I already have. I never used any of the social media stuff and over the years went even further. I don't use javascript (atm can't even technically) and use traditional means more and more.

I don't use smartphones and never will. I also don't just stand by and watch how english is being butchered more and more too. I have years of bad experience coming from a country where socialism was ripe, then we saw freedom and then it crashed down as another entity, the EU has begun taking the role of soviet union in a different color...

EDIT: In a way you can take it like I'm from the future and has seen the world being destroyed. I've known the "sides" of the coin. And I'm having none of it. Over my dead body. I will not be "processed" again, even though they're trying more and more.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Red_Fist »

Just a space is all I see, no vid no pic.

hmm all the others are also blank, I looked in the sounds thread.

Wish there was a simple browser that I could trust to work and isn't made just for them to browse on us. :mad2:
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by $carface »

This is terrible. what an apertheid regime. So much for the American freedom.

The world should bomb America and liberate its citizens. You poor people.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by UTPe »

the future of the Internet ? good question, hard to say but before talking about the "future of the Internet", it would be better to talk about "future" in general, future which at the moment seems really unstable and unreadable...

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote:the EU has begun taking the role of soviet union in a different color...

You can just return to old Soviet Union (ah the good old times !) and tell me the difference, jesus...

$carface wrote:The world should bomb America and liberate its citizens.
I hope it's only black humor...
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Terraniux »

I hope did not bring doom or anything.... one the reason for posting was also this questions:

1 Will this affect Europe?

2 Will this ever have impact on U / UT servers or even the master servers? I'm having a clean 26 ping in my country, rest of europe between 20-55 ms.
I'd hate to play with a ping of 120. :what: in the future just because of fat moneybags.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by nogardilaref »

Europe is pretty much on the safe side from this in a indirect level due to EU itself.

The EU has plenty of stupid stuff like anywhere else in the world, but I'm actually glad I live there since the EU has all sorts of laws which actually protects both companies and the end-user from all sorts of bullshit like this.
Not that long ago, they even passed a law stating that you're actual the full owner of any data associated with you stored on any service, so by law you are free to delete it permanently or to consult it, which means most sites have until April/May of next year to make both possible for the end-user, otherwise they run high risk of being fined for millions of euros (this also means that in my case, I have to restructure everything at the company I work on to make it possible, although I already planned to restructure everything even before the law passed anyway so...).

One of the most important laws here is all about competition between different companies offering the same product, either that product is Internet access, or electricity, or anything else really (anti-trust laws).

And one of the most basic things this kind of law enforces, is that no one tries to take advantage of their positioning or any other situation to actively monopolize a type of product.
So, should Net Neutrality be killed on this side of the world as well (there have been attempts though), while it will influence how ISPs provide a service, at the same time it will likely not affect anything at all exactly due to the existing competition between different ISPs, as well as the "anti-trust" laws the EU has.

In short, all it takes is one of the ISPs to continue as is, while the others try to enforce bullshit packages like this implies, those ISPs will just loose clients.
Also, in Portugal at least, there has been an ongoing competition across ISPs for well over a decade about who provides the best service at the lowest cost. At the start was all about bandwidth, now it's all about TV features and whatnot, and they "offer" everything and something more to keep you with them.

So the result is clear: I am able to get a rock-solid service at a reasonable price, since they know that should they fuck it up, I can just go to another ISP.

As for US, these laws are pretty much non-existent afaik, allowing for large scale monopolies to form with no limitation, and for consumers to be fucked in the ass in the most severe manner possible as a consequence.
So yeah, US is fucked if Net Neutrality is killed over there, because while all ISPs are scumbags in one way or another, in the case of US they have much more power in their hands than over here, since it's mostly "either you pay, or you don't have Internet" with no real alternatives.

And as a matter of fact, US-based companies, such as Apple for example, actually hate the EU for the existence of these kinds of laws.
For example, any electronic product we buy, regardless if it's just some cheap headphones or a full 8K TV, must have a 2-year warranty at minimum, and Apple tried their best to fight EU over that since they wanted just 6 months to 1 year tops, they obviously lost.

These are the sort of monsters and greedy assholes you're up against.

But honestly, it's completely up to the US citizens to carefully pick and choose their representatives, and I am very sorry to say, but these same citizens have been doing a terrible job at it lately.
So, dear US citizens: stop treating your country like a reality show, and be willing to change things around and limit what a corporation can do, otherwise things like these will only get worse over time, and I feel sorry for those who're actually making the effort, but whom unfortunately belong to a relative minority.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Red_Fist »

since I can't see the dang thing.

My take, by letting the big companies control speed to person X or retail store Y.

I think they should have the right to run things the way they want. Like myself will NEVER come close to the bandwidth they use. So for more people to be online viewing walmart, Walmart will NEED much more than I.

BUT !!!

If they use it to squash out stores of their choosing , or squash out bandwidth for political purpose, then we have a problem.
Google right now is WAAAAAAAAAAAY to big, and they selectively let places not be found , right now as it is.

I want google split up, but as for internet speed (only speed) I say it is a very legit thing for them to regulate.
They won't choke out people and lower it to 56k modem speed. All I need for UT or anything I could be very well with 3.5 meg, for UT or any other thing.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Higor »

Net neutrality bullshit again? Please, ISP's are the least of your worries.

With the Internet no longer under US regulation you're bound to be deplatformed by having politically incorrect opinions.
Google and other companies can steal your domain as well.
Facebook is datamining the shit out of you and contributing to lots of ppl actually getting jailed for wrongthink.

Forget about hackers and ISP's giving you different plans, they're nothing compared to the threat these big companies represent.

You should take a look around and see why net neutrality gives more power to Google, instead of watching videos about how some ISP could throttle candy crush, fucks sake.

You have no freedom of speech in the EU.
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Re: Future of the internet?

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I really wasn't joking when I compared EU to the Soviet Union. Sure, they bring lots of cash to the poorer members etc. But they do expect stuff in return and everything be "normalized".

And practically at the center of EU where the laws are passed, it's just unlivable there unless you pretend to be happy and content obedient citizen with his brains out. Because if you don't they start sending police on your ass 24/7.

And don't get me started on the EU politicians, it was documented before that they just entered the building, took money and left without doing any work. The worst political criminals from the EU countries end up being there, for czech I can speak about Ransdorf for example, an agressive "mafia communist" that assaulted people many times and also tried to rob a bank before "suddenly" dying. No, this is all true.

So UTPe the joke's on you because you're misinformed.
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