ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by sektor2111 »

:lol: If you look at codes a bit, you'll understand my feelings. Some line of codes looks done professionally and other lines do look like they went suddenly retarded at random... Perhaps weed dealer was cheating... :lol2:

The good news is that I can play MH Chaos/DM chaos, Bot problems being solved and those "ISA(defautlcrap)" has been happily deleted. I don't have only a "Vibe" right now, I have even the mod way improved... but this was a pain in the past for me when I did not have any clue what's going on with these files. Here I can be HONEST, I think not even those which officially were recognizing this mod did not have any clue how dumb was done - it ruins entire engine task written and done for Bot - yeah, dear Sir Polge, this is what was done in Chaos... I wouldn't waste a second for that Credits.utx...

I will celebrate my update this week-end by adding Chaos in my gaming repository (still having free voting columns, lol) - but, of course, without those maps from "CUT-MAPPACK" or how it says, now mod should work with a normal map - Deck, Agony, etc. BotyMan3 confirmed Bot's task engaged.
2 maps from this Contest probably will go there as well - DM/CTF games where is more suitable...
Once again, Respect SilverSound and Memsys !
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Read rules: they use the decorations that are included with ChaosUT, so naturally, you can find these packages there.
They will be included in the final mappack though, so no worries.
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

UnrealGGecko wrote:Read rules: they use the decorations that are included with ChaosUT, so naturally, you can find these packages there.
They will be included in the final mappack though, so no worries.
Oh oki, for someone who doesn't partecipate tho, he/she probably won't read the rules :/ Oh well...
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by sektor2111 »

PrinceOfFunky wrote:Oh oki, for someone who doesn't partecipate tho, he/she probably won't read the rules :/ Oh well...
That's right after all... it was mentioned that such a map must run even in systems without chaos installed, it doesn't look like that. If another official "update" will suddenly come on Earth, map will go in 0 playable format or even will stuck games without explanations. All assets used from Chaos would be priceless to go in MyLevel preventing dumb updates to mess up map... because as I could see so far, updating this mod was done in a trashed format more or less on purpose to mess up people's work - or an evil source was attacking Chaos. Evidences that I'm not bullshitting are files ChaosUTMedia1 and ChaosUTMedia4, else I could see a strange presence of a file "ChaosUTMap1.u" which is probably done some trash brain as that "MHMonsters.u" which is the same as "UTMHPack.u" triggering a duplicate package loaded for a single usage...
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Don't think the ChaosUTMedia files were used in these, at least not that I noticed. :noidea Will need to double check if any of them do.
Thanks for letting me know. :)
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by Red_Fist »

Don't know where to post this, but

DM Letitia

Well you deserve much credit for trying the water above and zones among other things.

The main thing is there needs to be more ways to go up, like another stairway and maybe some jumpspot.

The flickering lights got to go, and the fog-smoke, I think the brightness should be toned down just a tad (total map brightness in level properties try .75 ) . All of those are not good for DM playing. Still a pretty good job on what you set out to do, and that BSP problem made me have to hit alt cntrl del.
I looked in the editor but can't find where I was.

For the smoke (water splash-mist) to be good here is find some small areas and use some small puffs. In that way it will still add to the looks but not in the way.

I don't think I can check out all the maps before voting ends, not sure how much time is left.

Not bad :thuup: fix er up !

Pasted from his thread.
1 to 10 about a 6.5 or below.

CTF Hellscape. I am not a good authority on CTF gameplay. The main thing is it's a little too dark, and took me 5 minutes to find the red flag. What had me psyched out, is the flags are side by side and not line of sight but not enough light to show the 3D dimension of the full map to know where to go.

Map has the "Unreal" feel and look, using the lava I think is a good plan for an extra challenge,

All I can say and be honest is a 4.5 , score from 1 to 10.

No screenshot

MH Partycrashers

You must download the full package to get all the files, the 1.1 upgrade still didn't have the tree file. Not sure if I ever deleted it or not, but I should have had a stock CUT install :noidea

Says missing ChaosTrees, I do have UT GOTY , so where the hell is it. ?
I might have accidentally deleted it, but it should be there if it's a stock file.


This map needs my new pawns that don't shoot each other.

No complaints here looks good, has an exciting gameplay (a little on the spamy side but OK)

So far the best map, and not because I play MH more these days.
I think a tad less health, maybe swipe away a few of the doubled up med boxes to one box.
I ran past the shield belt till like 2/3 map progress, but no fix on that :oops: :lol:

score 7 or more out of 10, mainly because of some spots were extra spammy compared to other areas not enough enemies.
HOWEVER, I need to play this without bots for a better idea and to find the secrets and things. :thuup: :thuup:

DM Constantine

Not bad, but what ends up happening is the fighting eventually is all done in the room with the shieldbelt.
I think I would have chopped off the extra rooms leading to the warp zones, too much area that spread out the fighting but gravitates to that center room all the time. (also depending on how many players or bots)

It's all pretty good ok, but will stick with a 5 score, not broken, not bad, but kind of average - ish.

I think you don't need to have weapons against walls as much, put a few in paths you just walk through to increase the action fighting.


It NEEDS to be a map for an SP or MH game, like one of those weird places you get sent to through a warp zone in the storyline.
I did find some of the things, but being a DM with no monsters, or no exit, or no goal to look for an exit kind of ruins it.

For DM a little too big and to include stairs that you have to run up and down covering up other rooms or play areas ruins the flow.
All I can tell you is I kept wanting something to happen to me and started looking for an exit like a SP or MH map. ie more interactive with or against the player.
Like I thought for sure busting up all those statues would do something only to find out all that happens is they re-spawn.

The lighting is ok except when you want to see the stairs, I believe those stairwells should all be lit to show "3D" so you can discern the way out, or where you came from or need to go.

I guess I rate it above 5, like a 6 out of 10, but I will need to read the things you did to fully appreciate he map.


Excellent DM map, the only thing I can think of as a determent for "DM" is that the two areas have a disconnect. So you sort of have two separate places of fighting going on. (not a huge deal, even less, with Human players, but you still could be chasing each other on a 1on1)

Maybe make that back wall behind the invisibility a warpzone, to get back up top, and or use a ramp (or stairs) instead for the short lift down.

There is spots like maybe different textures for pillars , but all in all it's a well done map with DM in mind.
Tossing in the effect instead of just falling off the map pretty good thinking on that feature.

giving it an 8.5 out of 10


Nice mapping, but it is impractical for DM, clearly sunspire in mind.

It's just too convoluted, be better if there was a way to keep the center and remove most of the hallways but still be able to look over the edge at the center and larger windows to peg people.

Going for a 4.5 out of ten, more the map, not your skills. :tu:


Since I rarely played DOM, but it seemed to all fit.

The main hindrance is the lighting, make use of all those corners to make it feel you are IN that place. I would like to see where I am going in comparison to where I was. Sort of like better 3D from better lighting and some landmarks along the way, like a deco or a loose brick tossed in.

Seems good, 7 of 10


Pretty cool stuff in there, but the main thing was, all I had to do was just run across, whereas there is usually 3 routes to out trick the other players, for CTF. I am kind of thinking some kind of spiral effect of hallways around the outside somehow as the two alternative paths. And block the upper open middle, make 2 center paths to flag, keep the holes uptop.

LoL, just thinking out loud

I score 5, AS-IN being neutral, because I never played CTF even in Quake 1 days.
As for the effects and things it didn't bog down that bad, the main area was the bottom it seemed.


Nice job everyone, every map really does have a complete different feel or looks or ideas. :thuup: :thuup: :thuup:
Last edited by Red_Fist on Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:26 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by papercoffee »

Red_Fist wrote:MH Partycrash

No screenshot
Says missing ChaosTrees, I do have UT GOTY , so where the hell is it. ?
I might have accidentally deleted it, but it should be there if it's a stock file.

Look at the start of this thread. :wink: need Chaos1.1
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by Terraniux »

bump bump bump.
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Mappack delayed again by another couple weeks.

Also, can someone make like a banner or something for the pack, please? I tried doing one, but all my efforts look so friggin terrible. :sad2:

SOOOO.... Final final mappack will be released on December 3rd! Please send me the final version of your maps until December 1st, so that I have time to take pics and pack the right files just in case they're needed.
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by nogardilaref »

Well, I am not very competent at it either, but since no one else replied, I can try to do one for you, no problem. :)

Could you post or send me the kind of banner you had in mind, and perhaps even your attempt?
The wanted dimensions and resolutions would also be nice to know.
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by UnrealGGecko »

nogardilaref wrote:Well, I am not very competent at it either, but since no one else replied, I can try to do one for you, no problem. :)

Could you post or send me the kind of banner you had in mind, and perhaps even your attempt?
The wanted dimensions and resolutions would also be nice to know.
Thank you very much!

Dimentions would be something like a regular 4:3 screenshot, as I plan to put this on sites like GameBanana and UTzone. Not exactly sure how big though, prob 800x640

All 9 maps in a single screenshot in a 3x3 box with a small slightly rotated batch in a corner somewhere and „ Chaos mapping contest 2017” with a nice font in the middle. Troubles I had were finding a nice enough font and rotating the pasted batch.
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by nogardilaref »

From what I understand, you mean that all the screenshots would fully fill this 4:3 area, right?

The consequence of this is that there will be one or more screenshots of them affected by text overlay or the logo, becoming a bit obscured, so I was thinking in having the 3x3 screenshots all the same, but in such a way that there would be a reserved area below, with a very short height, very slim, but occupying the full width of the image, with perhaps a black background with white letters, with a nice font as you said. A bit like you see sometimes in slides in homepages and the like, to separate the "content" from the "title".

Do you agree with this approach?
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by Terraniux »

I have some funny photoshop skills. Let me create something as well.

Also please include my detailed review .pdf in the mappack.
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Re: ChaosUT Mapping Contest (CMC) '17

Post by JackGriffin »

No one's personal opinions belong in a map pack, no matter how good/thorough/concise. That's why we have discussion threads and forums.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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