Where is KeyEvent function called on?

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Where is KeyEvent function called on?

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

I know the classes WindowConsole and Console have this event:

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event bool KeyEvent( EInputKey Key, EInputAction Action, FLOAT Delta )
Is that event called only on specific instances or it can be called on multiple instances?
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Re: Where is KeyEvent function called on?

Post by Barbie »

I'm a bit confused by your question :omfg: Do you want to simulate input events?
I think it works the other way - see comment in Console.uc:
// Called by the engine when a key, mouse, or joystick button is pressed
// or released, or any analog axis movement is processed.
That function is called by the engine in case of an input event so that UScript programmers can react on what the player is doing. If there is more than one instance of the class Console, the function should be called at those instances, too.
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Re: Where is KeyEvent function called on?

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

Barbie wrote:If there is more than one instance of the class Console, the function should be called at those instances, too.
That's what I want, but it doesn't get called.
These are the two classes I'm using:

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class InputCapture extends Mutator;

event PostBeginPlay() {
	local TestWindow testWindow;
	local UWindowRootWindow root;
	testWindow = new class'TestWindow';
	root = new class'UWindowRootWindow';
	root.Console = testWindow;
	testWindow.root = root;	

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class TestWindow extends WindowConsole;

event bool KeyEvent( EInputKey Key, EInputAction Action, FLOAT Delta ) {
	return true;

state UWindow {}