Arumi model trouble

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Arumi model trouble

Post by VatcilliZeitchef »

So, I noticed a little problem with one of the packages I use, namely, the Arumi Model
The problem is that it's a file of which many versions are around, All of which share exactly the same problem.

Players using this model are, like players using the female solder/commando model Unable to "feign death"
Something that in some gametypes is a little bit of a disadvantage.

Now, I managed to fix this issue, and went to renaming the file to avoid creating a yet another different version to cause mismatching.
However, when I rename it, it stops showing up, even if I go through the trouble of editing the ini files and the names of the skins as well.

I changed the following:
I edited the file and added the lines

Code: Select all

function PlayFeignDeath()
	local float decision;

	BaseEyeHeight = 0;
	decision = frand();
	if ( decision < 0.33 )
		//TweenAnim('DeathEnd', 0.5);
		PlayAnim('Dead1',, 0.1);
	else if ( decision < 0.67 )
		//TweenAnim('DeathEnd2', 0.5);
		PlayAnim('Dead2',, 0.1);
		//TweenAnim('DeathEnd3', 0.5);
		PlayAnim('Dead5',, 0.1);
To the Arumi playerpawn

I renamed:

And replaced all the text in there to reflect these changes.
This however wasn't enough, and I know why. The mesh class is still called "Arumi"
Is there anyway to rename the mesh class without decompiling the entire package and most likely corrupting the animation and mesh?

If not, I'm afraid I will be forced to create another Mismatch file. . . but one that at least fixes this issue.

By the way, it's this model I'm talking about, the skin on the Right is called "Hatsune Miku" and is made by L4dy 4bys before she, passed on. . . It's quite precious to me.
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by papercoffee »

Oh ...I didn't notice that there is an issue with Arumi model ...The bot Killa-Princess use this skin and bots don't use feign death.
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by VatcilliZeitchef »

Well, I sometimes use it when playing as I consider it sort of a goodbye gift from someone I loved dearly. But the fact I can't use Feign death, which I often rely on for some tactics. . . and for fun, Really bothers me.
I just wish I could fix the issue without ending up with a new mismatch file.
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by papercoffee »

What about the original creator of the model he/she still around?
Maybe if you contact the creator will he/she give you the raw files.
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by VatcilliZeitchef »

Sadly, the readme did not contain any information on the author, And in a google search I found out the name "Arumi" is quite popular by unreal fans.
the model is over ten yeats old thou, I am not sure how likely It is the creator still has them.
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by papercoffee »

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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by VatcilliZeitchef »

Figures it the same author as the Shibuki model, same style too.
The only sites I can find that look like they might be related are in Japanese, I hope google translate will be able to handle them, since my moonspeak translator is gone.
Thank you for the research!
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by papercoffee »

VatcilliZeitchef wrote:Figures it the same author as the Shibuki model, same style too.
The only sites I can find that look like they might be related are in Japanese, I hope google translate will be able to handle them, since my moonspeak translator is gone.
Thank you for the research!
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by JackGriffin »

Al, I'll fix it for you. Send me the package and your edits. I owe you more than a few favors.
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by VatcilliZeitchef »

You owe me nothing, It is me who has always been relying on your help, but if you're going to fix it I might as well do my part completely. I'll probably have it finished in a few hours, I'm going to try and add a custom status doll (The player status in the top right corner when the HUD size is set to max)

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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by JackGriffin »

I got everything and custom doll stuff is fine, I've done all that before. At first glance this all looks pretty straightforward but it's going to need an online test at the very least before you declare it fixed. Like I spoke to you privately I'll need to set up some things on my laptop (I don't even have UT installed ATM) but I can use Sync to move my dev tools from my son's gaming comp and get something useful going.
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by Barbie »

Really sorry for warming up this old thread, but I think I have a problem related to it: a player cannot join the server because of a file mismatch with Arumi.u.

What I did before: I installed Arumi102_umod on a windows client UT installation and copied the files (see below) to the server and added

Code: Select all

to the servers UnrealTournament.ini. So far so good - the above mentioned client can join as well as a client without having that skin installed.

But then a player with a different version of Arumi.u tries to join and got a file mismatch.
Obviously there seems to be at least one other version of Arumi.u out in the world; I picked one up from my playing UT installation cache (probably the version that Mars' server has installed):

Code: Select all

          file name          |           md5 sum              | Size
Arumi102_umod/      |ea6ebfcee13583acf07e4ddee661665e|    190
Arumi102_umod/ |be20a234e0ea3a798fbd7a82c423bbb5|   2904
Arumi102_umod/Arumi.u        |c23d0015671d54e0581fab5d85259d91| 982752
Arumi102_umod/ArumiSkins.utx |19fab66a5a00f57530049453b096c92b|2863877
CacheExtracted/Arumi.u       |2b641f3876c78916c540c23185497623| 873549
The UTX files are binary equal, only the U file differs.

In my mind the following solutions are possible:
  1. The user deletes his System/Arumi.u. But then he cannot use it on local play any more.
  2. I install the other version of Arumi.u on my server. This only moves the problem.
  3. I rename my servers Arumi.u (to ArumiSB.u for example). But then players can use that skin only on my server.
All these solutions have a cloven hoof - are there better solutions?

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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by JackGriffin »

Is this for players? If it is then is no one still running val av?
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by sektor2111 »

I read posts above, I'm not sure if animations missing form a package are fixable without a rebuild (I don't found any solution so far) and... a mismatch. Let's say we have a model bad and perhaps we can change that mesh with another thing (using ModifyPlayer ?) if player holds that bad model... and then new animation from new file can be a good one.

I was wondering if these models creators are really testing their stuff before throwing trash on the street...
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Re: Arumi model trouble

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

VatcilliZeitchef wrote:like players using the female solder/commando model Unable to "feign death"
?? :D
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