The problem is that it's a file of which many versions are around, All of which share exactly the same problem.
Players using this model are, like players using the female solder/commando model Unable to "feign death"
Something that in some gametypes is a little bit of a disadvantage.
Now, I managed to fix this issue, and went to renaming the file to avoid creating a yet another different version to cause mismatching.
However, when I rename it, it stops showing up, even if I go through the trouble of editing the ini files and the names of the skins as well.
I changed the following:
I edited the file and added the lines
Code: Select all
function PlayFeignDeath()
local float decision;
BaseEyeHeight = 0;
decision = frand();
if ( decision < 0.33 )
//TweenAnim('DeathEnd', 0.5);
PlayAnim('Dead1',, 0.1);
else if ( decision < 0.67 )
//TweenAnim('DeathEnd2', 0.5);
PlayAnim('Dead2',, 0.1);
//TweenAnim('DeathEnd3', 0.5);
PlayAnim('Dead5',, 0.1);
I renamed:
And replaced all the text in there to reflect these changes.
This however wasn't enough, and I know why. The mesh class is still called "Arumi"
Is there anyway to rename the mesh class without decompiling the entire package and most likely corrupting the animation and mesh?
If not, I'm afraid I will be forced to create another Mismatch file. . . but one that at least fixes this issue.
By the way, it's this model I'm talking about, the skin on the Right is called "Hatsune Miku" and is made by L4dy 4bys before she, passed on. . . It's quite precious to me.